Mysteries of the Cosmos
Myriani Weyrhold has been abuzz with the news that Opal Frith had returned home ready to clutch - new dragonets breathe new life into a weyr, both literal and figurative, in the shape of the new people who now come to call it home and who arrive at its doors to have their life forever changed. And now he has taken to the sands, and broods over a clutch unlike any the weyrhold has seen before. It is so very like the Opal and Oil pair to make a clutch which instills such a feeling of being bound in fate and wrapped in the shadowy unknown. What candidates will step forward into the unseeable abyss and embrace their destiny, even at their own risk?
The Clutch
Egg Template by Min/SkomorokhFossa
Egg colors and writing attribution provided after clutch event completes on dragonet page (~Nov 2023)
01 - The Red Dwarf Egg
A midsized egg, the Red Dwarf doesn't come in as small a size as it's name might imply. Gently oval, it often is flopped on its side lazily peering out at the world, confident in safety knowing big sib is watching its back. The shell is dark crimson fading into spirals of bright ruby and yellow, like a star collapsing on itself.
02 - The Sea of Stars Egg
The egg is black as night, perched upright against its sibling. And yet, at its base, a glittering trail of bright starry patterning sweeps up it's side, a railway to the worlds beyond leadibg to skies unknown, if only you dare follow.
03 - The Burning Gyre Egg
Neither particularly large nor small, this egg sits low in the sand, giving it an air of both heft and warmth. Soft radiance washes over this egg’s shell, a swirling cascade of creams and yellows and gold that stand out from its many darker brethren. The colors form an unmistakable spiral, steadily growing looser and melting together in warm streaks of orange and red as they spread out. As the spiral tightens it grows brighter, almost glowing until it reaches the core: a small, blurry patch high off on the egg’s side. Plain white in color, it gives the egg an almost unfinished look, empty of its most pivotal piece.
04 - The System of Two Egg
Glimmering obsidian coats the surface of this egg, pitching the shell into darkness. Two bright orbs stand out against shadowy depths on opposite sides, one green and one white. Each sports an intense center, the first reminiscent of freshly fallen slow and the other of rain-wetted grass. The intensity of colors fade the farther from the center the eye travels, shifting into muted glows over a murky background.
05 - The Giant's Aria Egg
Nestled amongst the sands, this egg echoes its parents in size. Soft blues bathe the shell's expansive surface, shifting in tone as one takes in the ovoid from varied angles. Upon closer inspection, variety interrupts the multi-tonal surface. Colorful sparks of pink and purple bloom, nearly alive with motion. Woven amongst these are strands of green - tiny threads of life given shelter amidst a gentle blue landscape.
06 - The All at Once Egg
Not so large of an egg, quite unimpressive, actually, the All at Once Egg is distinguished by its energetic character. It can rarely be found in the same place twice; it needs to be moved around, finding every corner of the clutch, and can frequently be seen nestled under larger eggs as if captured by their gravity. All at Once has a glistening grey shell, though streaked with white and blue and green and red and black like the embodiment of speed itself.
07 - The Primordial Roar Egg
Large and loud, the Primordial Roar Egg is yellow, orange, red, the colors of fire and sunrise and passion. Painted on its shell is a tremendous starburst, a visual roar of beginning, being, dying; the egg is forever leaning one way or the other as if reaching, and even past the bounds of its shell this dragonet-to-be's presence can scald anyone walking by. But its temperament isn't angry – Primordial Roar is if anything elated, but its joy is simply too awesome to withstand.
08 - The Limitless Deep Egg
The pitch black surface of this egg seems to absorb all light that falls upon it, so matte it appears to you little more than a yawning void where an egg should be. Just as it devours all light that attempts to penetrate it, so too does it threaten to swallow you whole. Shivers prickle up your spine as primal curiosity draws you towards it anyway.
09 - The Oblong Planetoid Egg
In a sea of rich and vibrantly colored clutchmates with their smooth, glassy shells, this egg stands out for having a rough, dull surface. Those familiar with wher eggs will note that Oblong Planetoid looks more like one of those than a dragon egg, although it is clearly too big to be a wher egg. Its surface is predominantly a lunar white-gray, pockmarked by darker, almost crater-like shadows cast by the uneven calcification across the shell. The bottom right quarter or third of it - it’s hard to tell exactly how much of it, with the way it’s nestled in the sand - is a dull brownish, almost rusty red patch, the color of a dried bloodstain. It’s enough to make one wonder if Frith or Moth gutted some intruder on the stands earlier and couldn’t properly clean all the blood off of this egg for some reason.
10 - A Glimpse into the Dark Egg
The darkness that covers this egg's surface is shattered by glittering veins of opal that spider through it. Each of these marbled trenches sparkles with a pale, subtle rainbow that shines in sharp contrast to the void it runs through. It rests in the sands as a perfectly broken pearl, small in comparison to its siblings but distinct in its eagerness. From the moments of its laying, it shows a desire to hatch and present its contents to the light of the world. A longing that even the dark depths of its shell cannot hide.
11 - The Drake Paradox Egg
Wonder is etched in the fine details of this egg, starry expanses of color exploding across its surface in dreamlike waves, curling and taking the eye on a journey apart from the rest of the patterns painted across it. Where does it lead? Every ending seems to only be a new beginning, funneling down a new path to a limitless plethora of paths to follow on the dark backdrop of which universes are drawn across this egg. Impossibility is a feeling this egg will never know, and answers to questions unasked are teaming on its shell. Where is everybody?
12 - The Life Beyond Egg
This egg’s shell is inky and desolate on its face, an endless, lifeless and lightless expanse that gives the feeling of vertigo if looked at too long, since it seems it would be all too easy to fall into that darkness. It eats up the lights and shadows both cast in the space around it equally, an unbiased void. Lazily it cants upwards in the sand, and there, half buried and hidden by the angle at which the egg rests, there is an explosion of foliage and indeterminate beasts of vague silhouettes etched into the eldritch greenery like the shadows of memories, shifting and changing shape every time the eye drifts away and comes back to the murky green, red, brown and blue hue hidden on the egg’s lolling spine. Are there even creatures there at all, are those bursts of color even foliage? This egg's secrets won’t be easily given away.
13 - The Crawling Plague Egg
From far away this egg looks almost chitinous, poured from an ink black, biological resin that catches the light and highlights almost skeletal grooves in the egg’s surface. What look like they might’ve been empty, vacuous orbital sockets point down into the sand, half buried, as the rest of this false skull strikes high into the air above the blisteringly hot sands. It doesn’t look forgotten, it looks as though it is waiting, biding its time on a scheme written in its genetic code. Upon coming closer it is found the egg is actually as smooth as glass, a thin, translucent layer glossing over the ridges and exoskeletal bumps just beyond your reach.
14 - The Under a Hunters' Moon Egg
The pale surface of this egg shimmers with adularescence in even the dimmest light, reflecting its surroundings and all who approach it across countless opalescent facets. It defies staticity even as it rests in perfect tranquillity among its siblings, ceaselessly refracting their reflections and your own into a thousand possibilities, each distorted impression beautiful in their strangeness.
15 - The Put a Ring On It Egg
A breathtaking shade of deepest, darkest blue dominates this egg, which is large and almost completely spheroid. There are a few patches of lighter blues across the surface, ranging from a stark navy to an ethereal pale sky. These patches give the egg a mottled look, tricking the eye into making it look slightly bumpy. What really makes this egg stand out, though, is that the egg is bisected by two pinkish-purple and silver horizontal rings about a fingerwidth wide and a handwidth apart. The rings are fuzzy, as though made up of fine particles of dust. They cross in two places, giving a gyroscopic feel to the entire arrangement. Shining and shimmering in the light, the rings throw rainbow arcs onto the wall of the hatching cavern, dazzling even in the full light of day.
The Candidates
All candidates belong to their respective owners
Bida is a motivated young Myriani resident, with a drive to find herself and discover the world!
Searched by Chono and Opal Frith from Myriani Weyrhold
“Bida is fun-loving and cheerful, always brightens a room.” - Weyrlingmaster K'win“I watched her on the sands and it is my impression that she seeks wings that can carry her farther than her feet ever could. It is my sincere hope one of my children find her, as I look forward to the stories she will bring back when she finds them.” - Clutchfather Oil Moth"Trouble. Why are you even asking me?" - Assistant Weyrlingmaster Vy'krov"She's a wonderful young woman who is intelligent, outspoken, and caring. Her passion will take her far in life and I look forward to seeing it." Assistant Weyrling Master Blue Cifereth"A sunny songbird who carries a melancholy melody in the recesses of her heart. She has not let this embitter her, nor bend her to the whims of others; she is kind and curious, and puts forth joy and good humour. I hope she finds the companionship she longs for among my children, I look forward to hearing the songs they compose with one another.” - Clutchfather Opal Frith
Calarel is a little lost artistic dreamer who tries his best to make everyone happy, often to the detriment of his own happiness. He's slowly learning that he's more than his scars and small-town upbringing and is slowly finding his wings.
Searched by Aph and Blue Sciath from Igen Weyr
“Cala is so caring and sweet. He's a good friend who could use a little more self-confidence.” - Search Rider Aph“His willingness to alter his perspective gives me great hope. Not many people are capable of changing their mind and the compassion and empathy he displayed has encouraged me to give others my trust a bit more freely.” - Assistant Weyrlingmaster Bronze Bossk"What's up C'ARL lmao. Uh, idk what to write here, he knows how to work a hose, super cool and dedicated, and dances like crazy! Hope he sticks around, I wanna be his friend." - Mascot Clutch Helper Red Hydrangea
Cassidy is an intelligent, if secluded, man. He doesn't have many friends and takes solace in his many projects instead.
Searched by Vy'krov and Blue Cifereth from Myriani Weyrhold
“I've noticed Cassidy is very analytical. This can be a really good trait in a dragonrider” - Weyrlingmaster K’win“I can feel his brilliant mind even without connection. So much information is available and I find it rare to encounter someone who is so intrigued to ask why, and look forward to hearing what he will ask next.” - Clutchfather Oil Moth"He's incredibly talented and knowledgable. Whatever his future holds, he's sure to be a help to many." - Assistant Weyrlingmaster Blue Cifereth
Introverted wild child with few manners and easy interest. Selfish Rat freak who is deeply loyal. Loves to gossip.
Searched by Chono and Opal Frith from Honshu Weyr
“What a strange creature.” - Green Hecatath, and then, belatedly “A dragonet would be lucky to have anyone who is as kind to them as this beast was to me.”“Inquisitive, and wild as the tide. There are fathoms to this one yet unexplored, rich depths waiting beneath the churning surf. They will make a fine adventure for one of my children.” - Clutchfather Opal Frith“They’re a little freak, I love it. I think it takes a strong personality to make a good partner for a dragon, like I think you need a good sense of yourself to be part of such a deep and lifelong companionship like that, but you have to be open to new experiences and new perspectives too. They’re definitely gonna impress ‘cuz they have a lot to offer, and I reckon letting someone in like that’ll be good for them.” - Assistant Weyrlingmaster Chono
A bartender who typically works at The Rebel Son. Alleged frequent attempts to climb into the Weyrlingmasters' beds.
Searched by Seru and Oil Moth from Myriani Weyrhold
"Totally kind of a quiet badass lmao. I appreciate his humor cuz it keeps me grounded, he's a good guy and any stupid little hatchling would be lucky to have him." - Mascot Clutch Helper Red Hydrangea“What can I say about Huaren? He's my everything, but not just that, he's sharp and funny and caring.” - Weyrlingmaster K’win“Huaren is stronger than he realizes and I’m so excited to stand back and watch him find his way. He’s going to do something amazing and deserves all of those things that he thinks are better than him.” - Assistant Weyrlingmaster Seru
Isolt is a clever technician conflicted about her future but hopeful. A socially awkward wallflower, she still longs for connections.
Searched by Seru and Oil Moth from Myriani Spaceport
“I’ve never met someone more uncertain that they should be a candidate but who absolutely should be a candidate more than Isolt. She doesn’t even realize it, but her connection to the world around her impresses me every day.” - Assistant Weyrlingmaster Seru“She’s got a good head on her shoulders! I thought she might be the type to think rather than act, but she’s impressed me with her quick thinking and practical application. She’s braver than she knows, that one, and more deserving than I think she believes herself to be. Hopefully one of the kids will help her out of her shell a little, ‘cuz I know she’s gonna go places.” - Assistant Weyrlingmaster Chono“The readiness and appreciation with which she embraces new experiences impresses me. She knows her own mind and shares that knowledge and wit readily, there is a kindness in her, and potential I see as near limitless. With the right companion by her side, I think there is nothing they couldn’t accomplish together.” Clutchfather Opal Frith
Krys, a kind yet simple sellsword, who defends farmers and settlers. He is driven by his past to seek forgiveness.
Searched by Vy'krov and Blue Cifereth from Myriani Weyrhold
“There are few people for whom I hope this ends in impression more than I do for Krys. I understand how difficult it can be to feel there is family out there to find, but I see myself and so many others ready to rise to the occasion and be his family.” - Assistant Weyrlingmaster Bronze Bossk"He has more to offer than he realizes. We're lucky that he chose to spend time here so that he can share everything that he is with us." - Assistant Weyrlingmaster Blue Cifereth"I think he holds his booze pretty well. Yes, that's a compliment. And he's pretty good at figh-- yes, that's also a compliment." - Assistant Weyrlingmaster Vy'krov"Thought he was uptight but he's actually kinda cool! I wanna see him fight one day. Good at cleaning nails. I'm gonna bet he's gonna get a spunky one." - Mascot Clutch Helper Red Hydrangea
Short. Sweet. Spicy. Smart. Merit is all of those things. She has a quick, analytical mind. She's a good and loyal friend, encouraging of others. She can be catty at times, but is mostly kind.
Searched by A'dai and Green Nixcyath from Bitra Hold
“She has an admirable strength of purpose and character. Though she goes on about her own way no matter what turns and twists that might entail, she carries on with all the clarity of an arrow seeking a target, and I am eager to spectate her journey.” - Clutchfather Oil Moth“Oh, Merit’s a delight! She’s lightning quick, charming as a ray of sunshine, and clever as a cat. That girl’s got so much going for her, and she’s driven and smart enough to achieve whatever she sets her mind to. She’ll challenge her partner when she Impresses, but in the way that’ll help them both to grow I think.” - Assistant Weyrlingmaster Chono"She is my special little find. What a dark, yet brilliant, little flower. I covet her forwardness and soak in her respectfulness, admiring the way she balances both. I am going to keep her, Moth and Frith shall not be allowed to monopolize her." - Anonymous
Gender-quarrelsome fashionista and geothermal technician. A study in contradictions, Nova is as likely to be found fixing a broken washing machine as they are performing at a local open-mic.
Searched by Red Hydrangea from Ista Hold
“I was surprised to get a call from Nova when Hydrangea 'searched' them, but approved their search without hesitation. They are caring, fashionable, funny. I think they would make a fantastic dragonrider.” - Weyrlingmaster K’win“Their strength moves me, and in them I see so much of myself and my lifemate. I hope to one day be worthy of their trust, as I find my fondness for their bravery, conviction and purpose to be boundless.” - Clutchfather Oil Moth"OH DUDE WHY'D YOU ASK ME ABOUT NOVA LAST?? Nova is the BOMB. Did you know they can pick locks?? Ok, uh, focus. Nova is so resilient and strong. They're not afraid to lay the hate one when it needs, but being their friend is just about the awesomest thing I can imagine. I bet one of the eggs will think that too, but if they don't impress we're still keeping them, right? K'win, helloooo? Nova can stay?" - Mascot Clutch Helper Red Hydrangea
Slow moving, fashion forward, and lonely. Seerama knows what he wants, if not what he needs.
Searched by A'dai and Green Nixcyath from Keroon Hold
“Sharply dressed and sharp of mind. Seerama weighs the situation before acting in the best interest of others and I wish I were anywhere near as tactful as he is. I hope he knows how much he is wanted and appreciated.” - Assistant Weyrlingmaster Seru"He seems like he has a dark sense of humor, which I like. I know dragonets are supposed to be pure or whatever... a hard worker, I think. Good vibes from this one, I think he's gonna get baby'd for sure." - Mascot Clutch Helper Red Hydrangea"This one is still as a valley, his flowers in need of a strong wind to carry them to new horizons. He thinks more than he acts, and this is his virtue only so long as it does not root him in place. I believe he will find a kindred spirit within my clutch, to compliment and challenge him in ways that will see them both flourish.” - Clutchfather Opal Frith
A personable but slightly soulless van lifer, Virox is feeling a little bit too old to be here. Check them out on Firestartr or OnlyFlames for very decent hourly rates.
Searched by Caro and Brown Mryddith from High Reaches
"They kissed an egg. Kissed it. They've got some fucking guts." - Assistant Weyrlingmaster Vy'krov"That means he appreciates their bravery. I'm excited to watch them discover what the future has in store." - Assistant Weyrlingmaster Blue Cifereth“Rox was surprised to be searched but I think they will find candidacy really rewarding even if they don't Impress. But I hope they do.” - Search Rider Caro“Do not let my brief lapse into unprofessional antics in splashing them in running water betray me - I have great respect for them and their easy, amicable confidence. They are quick of wit and free from the opinions of others and I admire them greatly.” - Assistant Weyrlingmaster Bronze Bossk
Links & Credit
Hatchling template by hexwolf
Egg and Sand Template by Min/SkomorokhFossaInspiration and Background Images:
All inspiration images were found online and credit belongs to the original artist and photographer. We are not using these images as our own, but as tools to convey thematic concepts for the dragonets.Main background image sourced from free stock image resource website. free stock image resource website was also used for some background images.
Wrote and colored Glimpse in the Dark Egg and The Restless Eye Cast Down from the Heavens Blue Lunastrith. Colored Brilliant Path Through The Void Red Aventith.
Clutchrunner Staff
Rper of Weyrlingmasters Seru, Sai and Bronze Bossk.
Rper of Searchrider Seru and Oil Moth.
Rper of Clutchfather Oil Moth
Wrote and colored The Life Beyond Egg, The Lance of Fate Opal Koremeyuth, The Drake Paradox Egg, Sky Full of Dreams Green Galliyleoth, The Crawling Plague Egg, and Song of Terminus Oil Zenith.
Event runner
Rper of Weyrlingmaster K’win
Rper of Searchriders Aph and Blue Sciath, Caro and Brown Mryddith
Wrote Put A Ring On It Egg and Stellar Supernova White Surianth.
Colorist for Put A Ring On It Egg, Stellar Supernova White Surianth, and Seeker of Cosmic Wonders Pink Haumeath.
Colorist for Burning Gyre Egg.
Wrote and colored Red Dwarf Egg, Flames of Mars Red Renmieth, Sea of Stars Egg, and Star Sailor White Behelith.
Clutchrunner Staff
Rper of Weyrlingmasters Vy’krov and Blue Cifereth
Rper of Searchrider Vy’krov and Blue Cifereth
Wrote and colored System of Two egg, Strokes of Brilliance Brown Hatchling, Giant’s Aria egg, co wrote Dove of War Orichalcum Duhalocth and colored Dove of War Orichalcum Duhalocth.
Wrote The Oblong Planetoid egg and Seeker of Cosmic Wonders Pink Haumeath.
Clutchrunner Staff
Rper of Searchrider A’dai and Green Nixcyath
Rper of clutch helper and searchwher Red Hydrangea
Wrote and colored All at Once Egg, Spirit of the Beast Red Gaiyardath, Primordial Roar Egg and Strike the Match Blue Agneuth, co wrote Dove of War Orichalcum Duhalocth.
Wrote Burning Gyre Egg and Brilliant Path Through The Void Red Aventith.
Clutchrunner Staff
Rper of Weyrlingmaster Chono
Rper of Clutfchfather Opal Frith
Rper of Searchrider Chono and Opal Frith
Artist for clutchparent art and hatchling template
Wrote and colored Under A Hunter’s Moon Egg, Howling Star Blue Siriuth, The Limitless Deep Egg, and Soaring Curiosity Black Yvaith, colored The Oblong Planetoid Egg.
I just wanted to have it published somewhere just how much this clutch and the fun we all had together in making it and roleplaying it meant to me. Sorrow’s Forge has been special to me since the day I started making it because it was a place where I could help my friends build their stories to be exactly as cathartic, meaningful and enjoyable as they wanted them to be while putting all my big ideas and ambitions to work. It’s been that and more, and thanks to all of you candidates, staff clutch runners, search riders, writers and colorists, it has become so much more. I set out wanting to make Sorrow’s Forge not just a place to roleplay but also a community and without needing anything from me you all have done that and more, and I am so thankful for all of your enthusiasm and for yourselves. I started this game with a small group of friends and gained so many more, so from the bottom of my heart, thank you all so much.Here’s to weyrlinghood and causing our OCs so, so many problems.<3 Ezra
The Dragonets
01: Red Renmieth
Egg: The Red Dwarf Egg
Impresses: C'rel
02: White Behelith
Egg: The Sea of Stars Egg
Impresses: D'red
03: Red Aventith
Egg: The Burning Gyre Egg
Impresses: Isolt
04: Strokes of Brilliance Brown Hatchling
Egg: The System of Two Egg
Impresses: -Adoptable-
Egg: The Giant's Aria Egg
Impresses: Nova
06: Red Gaiyardath
Egg: The All at Once Egg
Impresses: K'y
07: Blue Agneuth
Egg: The Primordial Roar Egg
08: Black Yvaith
Egg: The Limitless Deep Egg
Impresses: Merit
09: Pink Haumeath
Egg: The Oblong Planetoid Egg
Impresses: A'raq
10: Blue Lunastrith
Egg: A Glimpse into the Dark Egg
Impresses: Kaito
Egg: The Drake Paradox Egg
Impresses: Ca'ssi
12: Opal Koremeyuth
Egg: The Life Beyond Egg
Impresses: R'huna
13: Oil Zenith
Egg: The Crawling Plague Egg
Impresses: Bida
14: Blue Siriuth
Egg: The Under a Hunters' Moon Egg
Impresses: Kynthra
15: White Surianth
Egg: The Put a Ring On It Egg
Impresses: -Adoptable-
Swamp Breath Green Treeth
Non ClutchBearing
Adult Length: 22ft
Treeth's description Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Treeth's physicality Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Treeth's mindscape Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Treeth's personality Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Credits and inspo info go here aaaaaaaa
The Hatch
Treeth's wobble Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Treeth's crack Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Treeth's hatch Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Treeth's search Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Treeth's impression Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
The Egg
Treeth's egg desc Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Treeth's egg desc Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Treeth's egg desc Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Treeth's egg desc Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
The Lance of Fate Opal Koremeyuth
Adult Length: 48ft
It is noticeable immediately when he breaks through his dark shell - among dragons, Koremeyuthis stunning. His head tapers into a finely pointed nose, his jaw wide and delicate while still masculine. Where most dragonets have large, curious eyes his eyes are narrow, proportional and even as they swirl with the multitude of his emotions, they still manage to keep his secrets and give away nothing.He is lean, with a long, elegant neck that sits high on his shoulders, his legs and wings long and graceful. His tail is long, with the forks of his tail being particularly long and tapered. This is all complimented by his color which is primarily that of a particularly vibrant white opal, shining a rainbow of colors with every twist of the light and perspective that explodes abruptly in colors similar to that of a darker blue water opal on his wings and legs. White marbling runs throughout his hide, making him look like a living gemstone.
Immediately from hatching it’s going to be obvious that something isn’t quite right. Though every part is where it ought to be and in good order, the dragonet is far smaller than any Opal has been known to be. As he matures it will become apparent that Koremeyuth’s runt size is not purely a fluke, but instead correlated with an as yet undocumented autoimmune disorder that will plague him with bouts of fatigue, body aches and immune suppression for the rest of his life. Some days he’ll be fine, and sometimes he’ll go weeks or months without symptoms, and sometimes it’ll seem like it’s here to stay.Because of this disorder Koremeyuth will struggle to keep up with his clutchmates and will at times have to work twice as hard, but when he matures if things go as well as they can he will be able to live a relatively normal life with support and treatment.
The Foreign Ambassador
There is no easy transition from the tangible world and Koremeyuth’s, there’s just a sudden, breathtaking jerk and then suddenly you are there. The city is ruined and gray with sunlight battling to be seen through clouds that will never give way to rain. The streets are broken, the buildings crumpled and lolling into each other with gaping wounds of walls that are no longer there. The only sound here is the wind whistling through the bones of a dead city, faint and rippling, sending a not uncomfortable chill through your bones.And then he is there; Koremeyuth. He doesn’t look like himself. He is thin, frail, no taller than you yourself, but at the same time he exudes unbreakable strength. His hide doesn’t shine opalescent but instead is a vibrant and bold blood red from the tip of his nose to the tip of his tail. His eyes do not swirl with color but instead an ever shifting skyscape of galaxies unknown. Where he walks, life blooms like rippling sighs of greenery. Koremeyuth lives here, in the ruin where there is not something to mourn, but a job to do and life to restore.
Certainty courses through his veins and a calling is written in the marrow of his bones. In the shell he saw the birth and death of civilizations from a single cell to great cities, over and over like the fabric of creation and the river of time that it rode altered its flow to pierce through his chest. He can’t put words to what drives him, he simply knows it’s there, just beyond his reach. This body is weak because that was what it took to make him mortal. Determination drives him forward, purpose keeps him afloat. He would be the arrow, streaking through the night, striking at the moment he was always meant to. He may not know the specifics, but he knows it's all going to unfold before him so long as he keeps putting one foot in front of the other.While not necessarily exuberant, Koremeyuth’s confidence and self awareness can lead to a personality that is all at once subtle and loud. Yes he’s got a purpose, but it’s not all he is, and while he may emphatically let R’huna know to start with, it will level out as something that is always part of him. It will become normal, and the day to day of living will be what’s actually exciting. He’s going to want to have fun, he’s going to want to be perceived as cool and with R’huna as a guide, he’s probably going to achieve it. He already knows he’s destined for great things, he wants to learn to act the part and experience the whole world on his way.Koremeyuth may have his direction already inside him and he may be very independent because of it, but he’s going to love you, R’huna. Ren is going to complete him in a way that feels so natural, like the two of them were always meant to be entwined. There is a part of him telling him that together, the two of you will be a key that unlocks the barriers of fate. He needs R’huna to be strong in the moments he’s not, and in turn, he will be strong for him. Koremeyuth has faith and hope enough for both of them. The world is terrifying, full of things that hurt and unseen risks and it stretches on forever, but Koremeyuth will fling himself into the unknown with wings widespread.He’s going to need R’huna to temper his faith and belief with grounding and centering, but only occasionally, and Koremeyuth will repay the effort by lending R’huna his wings. Though he is set upon his path and he wants R’huna to go with him, he will never try to force his most beloved friend to take a step he doesn’t want to. He may struggle to understand R’huna’s fears, anxieties and worries at first because he has not yet experienced reasons to feel anxious, and when he encounters them he may be petulant and un-accommodating to them. Love will always bring him back around because beneath his petulance and reactive emotions his certainty rises, and he knows someone he loves so much would have a good reason for feeling the way he did. He’ll stand beside R’huna from now until they end and hold him up when he’s needed.As Koremeyuth matures he may run headfirst into reasons to feel uncertain, anxious, afraid and worried. He’s small and he’s going to struggle with a condition that dragonhealers have never seen before. Mortality will raise its head as the first reason to feel fear, and while he will fill out and not be otherwise noticeably physically affected, he’s always going to be noticeably small for his caste. When he’s still growing he’s going to have a hard time keeping up until he starts getting closer to his adult size. He’s going to need R’huna to be the strong one as he grows increasingly aware of what he lacks, and to be there for him when his weakness of body threatens to punch holes in his strength of character.
Hatchling template by hexwolf
Egg Template by Min/SkomorokhFossa
Egg written by Ezra
Dragon written by Ezra
Hatchling color by Ezra
Egg Color by Ezra
All inspiration images were found online and credit belongs to the original artist and photographer. We are not using these images as our own, but as tools to convey thematic concepts for the dragonets.
A big part of my inspiration has been Ren and Moth’s relationship and how much of an impact Moth has on Ren. Because of how certain of his place in the world Moth is and his faux-prophetic nature I wanted to give Koremeyuth some of that but also in his own unique way. Moth’s mindscape is a forest of dreams and destiny and in the shell Koremeyuth saw a path reveal itself to him. I wanted him to echo that certainty and purpose so Moth lined up the shot of making it real to Ren that he is meant for more than what he thinks and I wanted Koremeyuth to be the follow through.I also saw you give me a Jujutsu Kaisen song and started SPRINTING. I was like mission understood, one complicated anime protag with an action AMV coming right up. I did swerve a little harder into Chainsaw Man and Evangelion references because you know me. I wanted to give you a dragon who even though he has this big, untouchable fate is also able to break it down and be a goofy, fun dude who can have silly friendships, sort of like Denji and Power in Chainsaw Man. I also based a lot of his concept on the spear of longinus, not the religious weapon but the weapon in Evangelion.In that show the spear of longinus is a weapon but it’s also a key that changes the entire world depending upon how it's used. I also liked the general themes of weaponry and I tried to play with that not in the direct way of ‘Koremeyuth is a weapon’ but more so, what drives a weapon, what would a weapon feel and how does a weapon become human.The egg was themed on alien life and I went harder into the life aspect of that and the unlimited possibilities that that presents. If we found life what state would it even be in? And if the universe is infinite then anything you dream is real, you just have to find it. I took Huaren’s strong emotions on the third vision and went hard into the territory of destruction not being the end of life.
The Hatch
Did it move? Or was it just all the excitement and the humming of dragons that surrounded it? Maybe just a little slide down into the sand. But then a definite shift–The Life Beyond Egg twisted and pressed away the sand around it then settled, almost in a huff.
It was so precise it was astounding. The Life Beyond Egg gave another little wiggle, and then settled. This was just right. It might’ve been hard to see from far away, but one thin, sharp as a needle claw poked out of the dark and verdant shell. One small poke and then it disappeared, and then with a crack - a line split cleanly down the center of the egg.
What started as a clean, precise crack in The Life Beyond Egg was now giving way. The two halves of the egg split like a peanut shell, and from within, pushing them apart was a stunning dragonet. The Lance of Fate Opal Hatchling pressed both halves apart with his hands, which left him newborn and awkwardly splayed. He’d made a valiant showing with that hatching, but now was in a bit of a predicament. His jaw clenched and his head thrust forward to try and throw himself into balance if he could not simply have it–it did not go as planned.The vibrant, iridescent hatchling sprawled face first into the sands. He was small for an Opal, so small, but when he threw his head back and pushed himself to his feet, he certainly did not have the spirit of a small dragon. He might’ve been small, but he was not just handsome - he was stunning, a marbled gemstone of a dragonet standing tall and proud, like he hadn’t just face planted out of the shell.
He knew exactly where he was going. The Lance of Fate Opal took a moment to brush the sand from his face, nose tucked into the elbow of his wing like a neat, preening bird. He knew where he was going, and he would get there with purpose and intent, looking his absolute best despite the awkwardness of his hatching. Face clean and shining a rainbow of colors all but for where white marbled across his eye and down his cheek bone, he lifted his head high and shut his eyes.He didn’t know what he looked like, but he knew how he felt, he just had to focus. And focus he did until–there. The Lance of Fate Opal opened his eyes, observing the aftermath of Strike the Match Blue stumbling into a candidate to clock him in the nose. He let out a long sigh as he folded his wings neatly on his back. He’d been alive mere moments, and already there was saving to do.
Having taken a moment to make sure he would not be stumbling and rolling around the sands like his brother, The Lance of Fate Opal finally struck out onto the sands. But he knew exactly where he was going. He tread a clear path from his ruined shell to Huaren, leaning in to sniff at his face. His eyes were enigmatic even as they swirled with color, examining the candidate closely.<It’s nothing that won’t heal,> He said calmly, before a light beamed in his eyes, almost like a draconic sort of grin. <Definitely something that can wait a bit before we get you checked by a healer. First, my R’huna, we need to get me something to eat. And then, once that’s all seen to, we’ll begin. I hope you’re ready, because your Koremeyuth is here now. We will not be alone, and we will change the world.> He said, and then reached out, forging their bond like a cold, bracing wind. His mind joined to R’huna’s, and in the space of an instant all of his ambition and drive and the desolate world that he filled with flowers inside of his mind were laid bare before his lifemate.
The Life Beyond Egg
Description: This egg’s shell is inky and desolate on its face, an endless, lifeless and lightless expanse that gives the feeling of vertigo if looked at too long, since it seems it would be all too easy to fall into that darkness. It eats up the lights and shadows both cast in the space around it equally, an unbiased void. Lazily it cants upwards in the sand, and there, half buried and hidden by the angle at which the egg rests, there is an explosion of foliage and indeterminate beasts of vague silhouettes etched into the eldritch greenery like the shadows of memories, shifting and changing shape every time the eye drifts away and comes back to the murky green, red, brown and blue hue hidden on the egg’s lolling spine. Are there even creatures there at all, are those bursts of color even foliage? This egg's secrets won’t be easily given away.
Touch 1: For a time after you’ve laid your hand upon The Foreign Ambassador’s surface, all is quiet and still. You might wonder if perhaps this egg is inert and empty within. But just as you think that, you realize you hadn’t noticed your vision fogging and darkening, or when the surface of the shell had become so cold. Soon nothing but emptiness fills your minds eye, and your mind is coerced into the bitter feeling of ice burning your skin, white hot despite the chill until–color explodes in the world which this egg has brought you into, the warmth of a distant sun soothing your palm as you watch the minutiae of amoeba like microbial life, wiggling and spinning in a torrent of color. Creation closes to you gently, receding from you to continue its busy work.
Touch 2: There is much work to be done, and The Foreign Ambassador takes your touch to pull you headfirst into what worlds there are to see. Plants like you have never seen race by, rising out of an almost waveless sea like tall, towering trees. Creatures float amongst them, bouncing like balloons, rolling and spinning. They’re not too far removed from the microbial life they had shown before, but these are no amoebas. These are complex, gigantic, and beautiful. They gulp the air and ascend, expelling it to drop low, opening massive gullets to graze amongst the tops of the massive trees. You feel you are floating, you smell the brine and the almost sulfuric stench of a world never dreamed, and then you are released suddenly, reality, the sands and the egg before you, and the world you glimpsed, gone to all but you.
Touch 3: As your hand lays down upon the shell of The Foreign Ambassador’s egg, the mind of the growing consciousness reaches out to touch yours tentatively. There is so much fear in the universe, isn’t there? There are monsters and famine, desolation and destroyers. But also hope, ingenuity, creativity and light. There is life. There is so much life. It coaxes you into its thoughts and together you spin away, flying over a city that seems to have no end, no bottom. Endless glittering buildings, shining like gemstones below you as a scarlet sky embraces you. They’re brilliant–but then brilliance gives way to destruction. Where once they were glimmering, sparkling, now those buildings are bone white, now they are crumbling, burning. Were you too late to witness the beauty here? It lets you go suddenly, afraid of your answer.
Sky Full of Dreams Green Galliyleoth
Non ClutchBearing
Adult Length: 23ft
Galliyleoth is a compact little thing, with a short neck and a large, adorable and infantile head that might get him teased in his youth, but that will surely mature into a handsome face once he’s grown. His wings are long and skinny much like his tail, which are a sharp juxtaposition to his relatively short legs. He’s not thick of body beyond a little baby fat that he can mature out of, but even freshly hatched, he has long and beautiful hands. Though there is something indescribably pleasant and soft about him, there is also a gentle sort of masculinity, given to him primarily by his large, forest green spines that arch up out of his back.Many across Pern might consider a green to be plain, but Galliyleoth challenges this perception with his brilliant hide. Almost as if all of him is made of facets, tiny pixelated explosions of different colors of green speckle his hide in jubilant throws of color. The front of his face, neck, chest and belly are all a bright, yellow green, fading to a darker hunter green at his back, whereas his feet are all the same dark forest green as his spines. And brilliantly, when he opens those long, skinny wings of his he displays a shower of fireflies in the dark forest of his wings.
While everything is in good order physically, Galliyleoth does seem to have some sort of neurodivergence. It’s subtle and might even go unnoticed for a time, but he has a tendency to become engrossed by his interests such that he will fail to acknowledge the world around him in favor of their pursuit. He also will struggle to pick up and interpret social cues and sometimes things may overwhelm him almost inexplicably, from the appearance of his food to the ambient sounds and smells around him.While these things are not detrimental, it does set him a bit apart as it will become apparent his brain simply does not work like those around him. His differences will develop, grow and represent themselves in different ways as he ages, becoming as multitudinous and as varied as the green of his hide. It is here that he will rely on Ca’ssi to guide him, reassure him and be there for him as he learns to navigate all the things that make him different.
The Lonely Researcher
Where other dragons had a distinct landscape and even an avatar of themselves which spoke within it, Galliyleoth has no such thing. His mindscape is subtle - like a new soul that has not quite yet developed his plumage. Rather than bring you into his mind, he pervades yours, gentle, curious and inquisitive. His emotions can be felt and almost seen - as though they are a tenuous strand of pixels and sound waves that if you just closed your eyes you could reach out and touch. They make no audible noise yet at the same time seem to buzz, hum and whirr, not unlike the monotonous but not unpleasant sounds of well oiled machinery, toiling away.If you follow that almost tangible, intangible trail back across the bridge to Galliyleoth’s mind, you will experience a sensation almost akin to being gently handed his thoughts and feelings. It is a window to the unique way his mind is organized, with each of his thoughts packaged and annotated for your perusal. His mind is not cold or clinical though, each mark, each drill down focus into the minutia is done with so much love and reverence for the ability to do so, and in Galliyleoth’s mind’s eye the universe stretches on infinitely and he is forever galloping across plains of possibility.
The world is so big! It’s so much bigger than he thought it was going to be! There’s so much to see, so much to touch, so many people to meet, so many questions that he wants answered. Galliyleoth will be born into the world with a heart so full of joy and wonder, it’s going to be hard for anything to dampen his spirits. Even the dark and the troubled is just a facet of life to understand. Shadows exist to give definition to light and he wants to explore both and appreciate both equally, and everything in between. In the shell he had felt like he was onto something - but oh how small he is! And how amazing it is to be so wrong!With so much joy bouncing around his chest, it’s hard for Galliyleoth to not be a little exuberant. He is learning so much all the time and it’s just so interesting. He wants to talk about all of the things he’s learning and also all of the new growths of thought that each new nuance and fact gives rise to. But at the same time, he is full of so much respect and awe for the complexities of a personality, as well as the individuality. How can he simply just approach someone and tell them all the things he has to say? A person can be any kind of person at any time, how could he ever possibly know the correct way to approach them? But oh, how he does want to approach them and oh how he yearns to feel close to others, because his fondness for them is immediate.Though even if he never has anyone but Ca’ssi, Galliyleoth will do just fine, if not a little disheartened for the lack of company. Because inside of his busy, curious mind is something brilliant. While he is not exactly any more or less intelligent than any other dragonet, he does have a spectacular aptitude for solving puzzles, which is an amazing skill to have when you have so many questions to ask. And with an inherent interest in space, discovery and exploration, Galliyleoth stands poised to mature into a dragon who can expand the boundaries of what is possible. When a new question hangs threateningly over Pern, Galliyleoth will rise to the challenge, not with fear but with excitement.He and Ca’ssi are going to have so much fun together. Their minds were made for one another, and together they will spur each other on to new heights of discovery. Where Ca’ssi can be cautious and analytical, Galliyleoth will dive headfirst, since what is fear if not a barrier to discovery? But where Galliyleoth can fail to look before he leaps, Ca’ssi will be there to be his voice of reason, there to lovingly keep his zeal for life from destroying him. Together they will balance out each other’s strengths and weaknesses, letting them exist but never overtake. Galliyleoth has unwavering faith in the world that even its moments of darkness have purpose that he wishes to use to boost Ca’ssi up when he feels the weight of the world overwhelm him, and likewise Ca’ssi can be there to spark that flame inside him whenever it dims.It won’t be endless days in the sun, unfortunately. Galliyleoth is so polite and considerate but sometimes his zeal for life and learning will get the better of him. He’s not prepared to receive negativity at all, and until he matures he’s going to be a bit of a raw nerve when he does. He’ll need to lean on Ca’ssi in these moments to reassure him that even the bad has a purpose, and even this horrible moment is something to learn from. Likewise there will be times when Galliyleoth notices that he is just left of normal, and he will feel it so starkly and poignantly that it will feel like a very real pain in his chest. He’ll need to lean on those similarities between himself and Ca’ssi to bolster him and restore his strength so that he can return to his much beloved role of connecting himself and Ca’ssi to as much of the wider world as he can.
Hatchling template by hexwolf
Egg Template by Min/SkomorokhFossa
Egg written by Ezra
Dragon written by Ezra
Hatchling color by Ezra
Egg Color by Ezra
All inspiration images were found online and credit belongs to the original artist and photographer. We are not using these images as our own, but as tools to convey thematic concepts for the dragonets.
The Drake Paradox egg was inspired both by the Drake Equation and the Fermi Paradox, one an explicit mathematical formula for how many alien civilizations exist and the other a paradox put forward by a physicist of how if the universe is infinite and life happens by chance, how come we haven’t heard an conclusive alien signals yet. I wanted to explore what it is to exist between mathematical science and applied physical science, where the numbers show what can be but the evidence shows what is, and how thought arises and grows between those two things. I also loved the ties to extraterrestrial life and exploration where both finding something and finding nothing are discovery, and both are cool.I chose the name Galliyleoth (probably obviously, sorry ;w; I thought it was cute) based on the astronomer Galileo. This both ties into the themes of space and science but also pushing the boundaries of modern scientific understanding. I bundled this all together and put forward a dragon who is inquisitive, open minded and eager to learn because I remember back when you joined you were so excited to take part in the overarching plot of the game and in smaller ones too. I wanted to give Ca’ssi a dragon who will happily stick his nose into things to help and to solve a puzzle, and when the time comes, a dragon who can position Ca’ssi to easily take part in the Earth message plot if that interests you!As for why I chose green - I love a good green, and I wanted to give Ca’ssi a dragon who is a bit bigger to push him out of his comfort zone a little bit and help give him experiences he might not necessarily have volunteered for, since I remember how intimidating Cassidy found Moth in the touching scene. But I also wanted to give him a dragon small enough to fit into most human spaces with Ca’ssi so if you wanted to, they could go hand in hand into a profession, have complementary ones or just be in their own fields but have that to bond over. And y’know, calling back to the Earth plot, maybe a dragon who could fit on a spaceship if you wanted. :3c
The Hatch
The Drake Paradox Egg gives a little wiggle and then with a start, wobbles clean away from the sibling it had sat beside so long, rolling into another egg and stopping. The occupant within is surely dizzy and likely will need a moment to reorient themselves.
This is just so hard! The Drake Paradox Egg gives another valiant kick, rocking and swaying side to side before one last effort and with a CRACK - some of its colorful shell was punched away. An eager eye could be seen peering out from within. Oh! Light! So close! But–perhaps a little break first.
This time, for sure. With another mighty rock, The Drake Paradox Egg tips forward, shutting it’s exposed eye as it puts pressure down on the open crack and then - it all splits open, and the rotund little Sky Full of Dreams Green Hatchling staggers forward. His legs are short, but still he is struggling to stabilize himself like a newborn foal. The sands are decidedly not stable terrain and the mess of his egg only makes things more difficult. Long, skinny wings flare out to try and help himself, but still he is stumbling across the sands until he comes to drape himself across The Primordial Roar Egg.<That was hard!> He spoke aloud, newborn eyes whirling the greens and blues of delight. <Gravity is amazing but–decidedly not friendly. Oh, this will take some getting used to.>
This thing he was leaning against had been an egg the whole time! Sky Full of Dreams Green starts with the voice of his clutchbrother and looks down, alarmed at the situation he has put Strike the Match Blue in. <Oh! I’m so sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking. Hah, that was silly of me. Of course I shouldn’t have been leaning on your egg - everything here is an egg trying to hatch. Here, let me help you.>Clumsily, Sky Full of Dreams Green slid off his clutchbrother’s egg, wobbling from side to side on his legs that had not yet stabilized. He did have an awfully small egg, he wasn’t used to there being so much space, and so little support. But still, swaying from side to side with wings flared for added balance, he started nipping at his brother’s eggshell, lifting a hand to gently claw at it and help him free.
The nudge of thanks that his clutchbrother gives Sky Full of Dreams Green earns an elated little flap of his long, skinny wings. Which turns out to be troublesome for him, as he staggers sideways, almost stumbling into Strike the Match Blue. <Oh we definitely should. I’ve never felt so hungry before! Though I guess I never have felt hungry, tech-> He started to speak after his near miss, but after taking a step towards the candidates in the direction his brother had motioned to, the short legs underneath him buckled under his weight.Instead of taking a step, Sky Full of Dreams Green went rolling, bowling into Strike the Match Blue and then continuing down towards the line of candidates, wings flailing like plastic bags of verdant green whipping through a blustering wind. While he was careful to keep his claws pulled into his body, aware of what they could do, that didn’t stop him from bowling bodily into Cassidy and knocking him over.
Oh this was not going at all how he had thought it was going to go. That in and of itself was brilliant - he’d been alive minutes and the world was already surprising him - but he didn’t have time to think about that. Sky Full of Dreams Green had knocked over his clutchbrother, and this candidate as well. This… candidate who felt so familiar, whose mind he reached out to touch and felt at home in his complexity. A warmth glowed from his within swirling eyes as he peered at Cassidy, fondness, love and camaraderie stabilizing his legs in an instant.<Is it you? It has to be you-no, no. I know it’s you. Ca’ssi, I’m your Galliyleoth. We’ve met before, sort of, and I’m so glad you’re here.> He said, broadcasting his mindvoice. Dragons could not cry, but Galliyleoth looked compelled to weep from the joy of finding his lifemate. <I’m so sorry I knocked you over-being born is harder than I thought it would be. Are you okay?> He asked, head lowering in further apology for his actions, unintentional as they may have been. <I don’t mean to be rude but-could we sit and talk over some food? I feel like there’s a hole in my stomach big as the moon.>
The Drake Paradox Egg
Description: Wonder is etched in the fine details of this egg, starry expanses of color exploding across its surface in dreamlike waves, curling and taking the eye on a journey apart from the rest of the patterns painted across it. Where does it lead? Every ending seems to only be a new beginning, funneling down a new path to a limitless plethora of paths to follow on the dark backdrop of which universes are drawn across this egg. Impossibility is a feeling this egg will never know, and answers to questions unasked are teaming on its shell. Where is everybody?
Touch 1: Questions. The Lonely Researcher has so many questions. It pervades your mind, throwing its invisible bulk against the walls of your consciousness and enveloping it with wonder. Wonder and wondering. It speaks in numbers, variables, constants, alien and indecipherable to your ear but with sense and pattern. It seeks a partner, both in conversation and in discovery. It wants to ask, it wants to know, it wants to find hope in theories supported by numbers alone. It implores you, begs you, do you not look at the sky and think how you are looking up, but you are not up, or down, or any direction. You are an atom circling a star, an atom that can ask why, and wonder how many other atoms there are. You both are.
Touch 2: Your mind approaches theirs and The Lonely Researcher reaches out to touch the barrier between you both.It feels so flimsy, paper thin, and yet is a strong and opaque glass. A thousand questions explode like pops of fireworks in the void they have invited you to look upon, full of color and hope. There is confidence that wasn’t there the first time it felt a mind come in close to its own, a surety. Their hope can never be defeated, and they press their hope against that sliver of a barrier between you. The universe may change and the numbers may grow smarter, but its hope will never be wrong. There is someone out there, there is someone in the infinite waiting to hear your name.
Touch 3: A flurry of excitement presses in around your mind, crashing like a wave. The Lonely Researcher takes you along the pathways of thought and dreams that it did not have the time to visit with the last mind to approach theirs. They are alone, and it imparts that you too are alone, and we are all alone, and that is a cold, desolate feeling. That is an ache that cries out to be soothed, but they share with you their realization. There is no such thing as alone, there is only distance. Quantifiable distance, beautiful distance that is full of discovery and lessons to learn. Will you go with them? Will you venture into the space of reality, will you stand upon the terrifying precipice of vastness and be able to behold it, but not fear it?
Song of Terminus Oil Zenith
Adult Length: 53ft
An eerie and beautiful dragonet, Zenith will likely mature to be one of the largest of her clutchmates. She’s quite long, and while she has the appearance of a broad of chest but otherwise slender dragon, even from the moment of her hatching it will be evident just how well defined and honed her musculature is. Her neck is long and slender, arcing forward from her shoulders gracefully. Her head has a unique sort of femininity, broad that tapers into a blunt chin, making her head the shape of an arrowhead missing its tip. Her wings are long and wide, destined to one day blot out the sun, and her tail is long and serpentine that, along with her large spines, make it hard to tell where she starts and ends when she coils it around herself.Initially, her coloration might not seem particularly different from any other Oil dragon, but then the light catches and illuminates the faint markings that are all at once both strange and statuesque. It’s hard to even call them markings, it might just be tricks of the light or just how she’s built. Across her body, following where her bones lay beneath her hide, her coloration fades abruptly, giving her a not quite skeletal appearance that is also at the same time resonant with the idea of elegant decay. She does have one very distinctive marking, which is a stripe of bright, electric blue on the top of her head that fades to glassy oil in the middle.Because some of the facets of her eyes are non functional, only some of them swirl with color depending upon her mood - others are gray and inert.
Life will be hard to adjust to for Zenith. While not fully blind, many of the facets in her eyes are inoperable. Light and color still penetrate her vision, as well as vague shapes that can become more distinguished as she gets closer to them, but her vision is reduced by 85%. It’s primarily focused in the center of her vision, however there are a few stray facets at the edges of her eyes that are capable of sight and serve as pinpricks of vision for her.
The Queen
Zenith’s mindscape feels like a bated breath. Hers is a world that is dark, with towering trees that strike high into the sky where their canopies are forgotten. There is light to see by, faint, mostly serving to outline the shapes of the trees and distinguish the silhouettes in the darkness, yet that light seems not to come from any identifiable source. A loamy forest floor gives way to a perfectly circular pond filled with still water as black as the sky above, and in the middle of it, she stands upon the water.It is the creature it has always been, the skin of a dragon shed for the beast within. An ink black crest over an elegant head full of teeth, massive and dwarfing you, with a long tail full of spines and tipped with a spear head coiling luxuriously behind her. She emits a deep sound; inhuman, resonant and slow pops and clicks that penetrate your very bones, filling this haunted forest and dead pond with ghosts. This place is a throne room to a force of nature, to extinction itself. Behind it, her supplicants walk silently in two obedient and orderly lines; humans, dragonkin and animal alike. One by one they approach the throne of ink black water and step into it, disappearing willingly beneath its surface, never to rise again.
The push and pull of the planet makes inherent sense to her. Life and death both settle neatly around her mind as though they are what gives lift to her wings. In her chest she feels not the beating of her heart, but the beating of those around her. Every single pulse is meant for one end, and in this mortal lifetime she will witness so many falling silent where she walks. It might be easy to perceive her as cruel or terrifying, but that fear is rooted in one’s own reaction to what she is, and that is a being who simply is. Just like the wind, the setting of the sun and the rise of the moon are inevitable, it is inevitable, she is inevitable, she will continue in the presence of both hatred and love, undisturbed.She is as much a dragoness as she is nothing. She is gravity, she is the chill in the air. Some will look at it and see an idol of femininity within it while others will look at it and see their fears take form. It is a presence in your mind, it is your end, it is what you run from, what you didn’t know that you were running from. It is extinction, walking through this world like the encroach of entropy. There is something regal about its bearing, something beautiful in the bone deep feeling it gives you that with a touch, it could turn bloodlines to ash in an instant.Living life feeling so far from life itself has its drawbacks, but with a graceful sweep it changes from a force of nature to dragoness. It knows what it wants, it knows what it wishes to see and it knows the pace at which it wishes to move. Every moment has intention, and when it becomes she so that something so much smaller than herself can understand her, she knows exactly what she wishes to affect. Others are playthings. She can be so sweet, she will weave them into her web with a loving affectation and a well placed compliment, and when it is time to do away with them, she will take all that they are.It is an old soul returning to the mortal plane from a long time away. From you, Bida, she will have many things she requires. Royalty has emerged on the sands and held out her hand for you to take. She will need you to rise to meet fate and destiny, to take her by the hand and be her guide through this world that has not seen it in so long. She will need bravery, for her road is one she will pave by fashioning her will into a great spear that parts all obstacles before her. The end of all things has offered its hand to you, Bida, and when you take it she expects you to teach her and nurture her. She’s prepared for her lifemate to have doubts and misgivings, for her to be too much, but she is certain that she can make it clear that to end is not evil, it is simply the sister to growth, and it ought to be just as beautiful.The day to day of living will be hard for her to connect to. She will need someone who can help bridge that gap, and someone who can help make her impact on the world around her something that doesn’t eventually swallow her whole. How will it connect to this world full of such finite beings, living in heartbeats as if there is nothing greater outside of them and that moment? She will need help figuring that out, but with that help, she has the potential to flourish and thrive, even though that may make her a danger to others. And most importantly, she will need you to be her eyes in a world that is distorted in her own vision.
Hatchling template by hexwolf
Egg Template by Min/SkomorokhFossa
Egg written by Ezra
Dragon written by Ezra
Hatchling color by Ezra
Egg Color by Ezra
All inspiration images were found online and credit belongs to the original artist and photographer. We are not using these images as our own, but as tools to convey thematic concepts for the dragonets.
Hello !!! I think you had a suspicion I wrote this egg all along but I hope you like her LOL. My inspirations from this egg took heavily from the Marilyn Monroe references you gave me but also the original xenomorph queen inspiration from the egg. I didn’t expect this egg to be picked but I’m glad it was! For the sake of being able to rp her as not a fandom character, I pivoted slightly away from the more literal xenomorph while still retaining some of those elements, such as seen in her mindscape where it still presents itself as a monster - but a monster that’s more vague and open to interpretation.Instead of going more literal I instead wanted to focus more on what the xenomorph represents in the series, which is extinction itself and a threat to security and stability that is unstoppable. I wanted to translate that into something that also had to be a person, and you told me she/it pronouns and I went hard for this vibe of it is a concept and something that is intangible, but it is also inside a living woman and what the avatar of a concept of something so dark had to be like to also be real and a person. So it is a concept, it is imperceptible, but it is also she.Its the she who I wanted to pull from the Marilyn Monroe inspiration she asked for, and so I thought it would be really cool if this impossible force of nature was also this woman who was so in control of herself and aware of the needs and wants of others, but able to control her own emotions so that it’s only ever empathy if she wants to be. She’s the perfect actress who can change how she appears to people just in changing how she walks, and it’s terrifying and beautiful all at once.
The Hatch
There is no grand wiggle or strain of effort. The Crawling Plague Egg falls backwards, almost slowly, settling broadside down into the sands. Preparing.
With one small wiggle of the force exhibited within, a surgical little pip splinters in the glassy exterior of The Crawling Plague Egg’s shell. It’s impossible to see anything other than the pip and the sheet of amnion beneath, but it is a clear sign the dragonet within is about to emerge.
With a scream, it emerges. The Crawling Plague Egg has blown apart at the top and the Song of Terminus Oil Hatchling pushes through, thrusting a large, elegant head into open air for the first time. Its eyes are colorless and grey but for a few facets focused in the center, and it blinks rapidly. Light! But–so little. So little light! It bellows, a sound that would one day be so low it would shake the very bones of all who heard it. But now, freshly hatched – it was little more than a squall of frustration and confusion.
Where are the shapes? Where is the definition? It swings its head back and forth - almost everything is a blur, and even more is dim and black. There is one small point at the front of its vision that is defined - and in frustration it plows forward into that light. Song of Terminus Oil Hatchling emerges fully from her shell, large and elegant. Even stumbling and confused her bearing is that of royalty, her steps delicate and heavy all at once.There is a body in front of it - Krys. Is this one hers? She sets her infant weight back into her haunches and pushes her body upwards - newborn, yet when she does this she is as tall as he is - and reaches out towards him. But then – her mind reels. No! No this is not the one! Her reach becomes a strike, brand new claws slashing at his front and taking a sweep over his lower chin, grazing his throat and digging at his chest.
A voice invades a Song of Terminus Oil’s mind like an unwelcome virus and she opens her mouth in a bone deep hiss, head tossing from side to side. Where was he? It could not see! The question is answered for her as the Spirit of the Beast Red plows into her midsection, sending her stumbling and then eventually crashing into the sands with a plume of grit and an eruption of frightened candidates scurrying away from her. Indignation and anger lanced through her, bright and hot, but then cooled into something murky and inky.<And what right do you have to question me? You great oxen.> Her voice is a low, raspy hiss, with no great weight. It has not yet found its eyes, so she was not in a place to be saying anything that she wanted to, anything bolder. She pushed herself on her feet, teeth bared as she resumed her search, head held askance to try and accommodate for her poor vision.
She has left the beast behind, and she has no care for what boasts he shouts behind her. He is nothing to it, just another speck among millions for whom fate has already written a beginning and end. No, Song of Terminus Oil has greater things to worry about. She needs to find her guide, she needs to find her eyes. Walking is getting easier, and as she acclimated to her newborn legs and the weight of the world, she slunk as gracefully as a big cat across the sands. Where was she?And then, it smelt her. The right one, the best one, one who would compliment its poise and majesty. One who would not stand in the way of what must be. < Bida , there you are.> It spoke to Bida and Bida alone, welcoming her into its dark forest with the black pool that organized the space in her mind. It stood in the center of that black pool, beckoning Bida to approach its ink black throne. <I am your Zenith, and you are my Bida. Put your arm around me, won't you?> Her raspy voice was sweet and warm, a luring sort of honey. <I cannot see without you, please, let me look through your eyes. There’s so much for us to share, so much I need you to teach me. But first I need to eat, the hunger feels like it's pulling me in two.>
The Crawling Plague Egg
Description: From far away this egg looks almost chitinous, poured from an ink black, biological resin that catches the light and highlights almost skeletal grooves in the egg’s surface. What look like they might’ve been empty, vacuous orbital sockets point down into the sand, half buried, as the rest of this false skull strikes high into the air above the blisteringly hot sands. It doesn’t look forgotten, it looks as though it is waiting, biding its time on a scheme written in its genetic code. Upon coming closer it is found the egg is actually as smooth as glass, a thin, translucent layer glossing over the ridges and exoskeletal bumps just beyond your reach.
Touch 1: You press your hand upon the egg’s smooth surface and… nothing seems to happen. Its surface is smooth, cool, and almost clammy. The sands around you, the other eggs, they all seem unchanged. You pull your hand away and turn to step away in defeat, compelled to go back the way you came, to exit the sands. You take a turn down a corridor where the lights are just a little too far apart. Darkness blooms where their reach ends, and as you step through the first garden of shadows, you smell it. The Queen smells earthy, like a forest after it rains, but also… metallic, chemical. The smell of blood and the smell of something inorganic, acidic. Fear crawls up your spine and you turn to see the shadow of something massive with long, dark spines move just out of the periphery of your vision before you feel the inertia of being pulled, taken and then released. Your hand rests upon the egg and you stand where you never left.
Touch 2: Did you come back, or can you just never escape? That fear you felt upon first interacting with The Queen lives with you now, in you, it’s a part of you. Darkness takes you immediately this time. There is no ruse, no illusion. It has you. It’s toying with you. The walls are constructed of chiton and resin, a humid fog rolls through the narrow labyrinth and steals your breath, fills your nose, mouth and lungs with that smell. Wet earth, blood and acid. It’s so strong, choking. You proceed through these organic halls because there is nothing for you to do but move, there is no safety but there is a chance if you move. Quiet, fear gripping you, making your skin cold. You didn’t notice the soldiers, made of that same ink black resin as the walls, not until they moved, turning their long, smooth, inhuman heads away and disappearing down dark corridors. Informing the rest of the hive.
Touch 3: It has you now. It has you, flee or fight, it has you. She has you. The egg you dared to touch again blooms once more into that hive of resin and mist, and remains beneath you. Where once it was smooth now it is fleshy, sticky and covered in a thick mucous that molds to your hand like wet glue. You feel life roiling beneath your palm, ignited by your touch, ready to bloom. You look up and see you are no longer in a corridor but instead surrounded by more of these fleshy, leathery eggs. The thump of a heavy footfall catches your eye and you see her. Huge, bigger than her soldier, bigger than your fears, the vastness of death crowned by a massive, exoskeletal crest adorning her eyeless head, ending like the point of a dagger in long, translucent, dripping teeth. A long tail with a curved chitinous blade at its end coils behind her, a flourish of a beautiful killer. She is no more female than a rock or tree but she is a force of nature, she is every gender and also herself. She is extinction. The Queen steps forward and the egg unfolds beneath your touch. The tail shoots forward and you shut your eyes, impact knocking you back and you are on the sands once more. Safe, but with a pain in your chest.
Star Sailor White Behelith
Adult Length: 13ft
A lovely eggshell cream color, Behelith is a beauty in appearance. Featherlike markings in pure white glitter at her wings, making her look stunningly lithe and angelic, but don’t be fooled. She is far from an angel, or perhaps…biblically angelic. Awesome. Awful. Awe-inspiring. Also, tiny. She hatched small even for a white, but will grow swiftly into a lanky, lean creature. She’s beautiful and elegant, cream and white and angelic despite the blood on her claws when she hatched.
Behelith is a small, lithe thing, on the lower end even for her caste, but she is perfectly formed, as if the world had conspired to make a much larger dragon in miniature. Strong body leads to a long, whippy tail she uses to gather D’red to her and coil around them, and her wings are long and narrow, built for speed and pinpoint aerobatics, nimble and athletic, never putting on an ounce more of fat than truly needed to survive. She is almost skinny, in fact, with a high middle and narrow waist, and long-looking legs in comparison to others.
A dark velveteen ocean, soft and littered with bioluminescence. Spots of brilliant white and blue cover the surface of the gently ebbing waves, flickering in alien patterns as Behelith speaks, brightening and dimming in reaction to her thoughts. In joy her thoughts are brilliant and dazzling, in sorrow dim and black, the waves frothing into a tempest as she hides behind her own emotions. Her vastness is surreal and mind altering, letting you get lost in her mindscape easily, finding yourself treading deeper and deeper until you drown.
Angelic, Serene, Wicked, Clever, Wild, Calm, Judgemental (Positive)Behelith is an angel in appearance and personality, with a brilliant serene streak that radiates from her in the general sense of the word, but also in a terrible, awe-inspiring sense. She is a creature of multitudes, serene and graceful (usually) but also wild and spirited and free. She will not be bound by the laws of the world, and forge ahead on her own path despite obstacles (or silly, pesky things like law) and considers it her God-given right to do so.She’s elegant and graceful, despite her initial hatching snafu (which she insists never happened and YOU are misremembering, thank you very much). She moves with purpose and elegance, never dirtying her claws if she can make her rider do so instead, and she rarely bothers to reign them in or put them under her thumb. She’s sweet and gentle, loving all and kindly allowing them to interact with her, but despite her size it’s like interacting with something endless and surreal, making you vaguely uncomfortable in the presence of Behelith.She has a wild and wicked side, liking to test her limits and she might, perhaps, if allowed, grow into a bit of a daredevil and risk-taker if D’red does not pull her back from that thrill-seeking edge. But she’s not an aggressive or cruel creature, just wild and free. She cannot be tethered, and will not be bound, preferring her freedom above all else. (Besides her rider, of course, whom she treasures and adores, even if they butt heads on occasion.)She’s judgemental, but not in a negative way? More of a motherly, angelic, ‘I am watching you sin and know you implicitly’ way. She knows when you are doing wrong, she knows YOU know you are doing wrong, and she will not lift a finger to stop you, allowing you (and especially her rider) to get into whatever trouble they want, and offering suggestions to clean up the aftermath. Also she’s regular judgy. Not doing something ‘right’ by her standards? Well screw you, you’re a sinner and a bad person.
Hatchling template by hexwolf
Egg Template by Min/SkomorokhFossa
Egg written by Redwere
Dragon written by Redwere
Hatchling color by Redwere
Egg Color by Redwere
All inspiration images were found online and credit belongs to the original artist and photographer. We are not using these images as our own, but as tools to convey thematic concepts for the dragonets.
The Hatch
The Sea of Stars Egg shakes, trembling like a shiver runs through it, as if awaiting some terrible fate to come. It senses the gravity of its situation, and the heaviness of the moment weights upon them.
Another shiver runs through the Sea of Stars egg, and subtly, slowly, a seam begins to form along the broad side, as shell begins to part in a neat crack, but not yet revealing the dragonet within.
Sea of Stars shivers one final time, the shell flaking off as she emerges. The white within is tiny in comparison to her lovely shell, but she stands proud and tall among the shattered remains of her dark shell, picking at her claws daintily. The Star Sailor White is here, and she would love it if you’d all calm down now, no applause needed.
The Star Sailor White flexes her wings and flares them briefly, revealing the featherlike pattern on the underside, a perfect angel of a being. Then she steps forward, and…promptly falls on her nose. Legs are HARD! Wow. Ok, take two. She rights herself, and shakes the sand off her muzzle, squinching it up in distaste as sand gets in her mouth. Yuck.
The Star Sailor White steps around a few candidates, yawning as she passes a girl who reaches for her and hissing softly. NO! Not you. She lashes out with claws that are quickly streaked in crimson as she draws her first blood, and she skitters back bumping into another young lad’s legs. She turns and screeches, her angelic entry now revealed as a lie as she snaps and breaks three of his fingers, blood on her jaws from the wounds.
OH! The Star Sailor White backs into yet another candidate, and turns to lash out, claws only stopping as she sinks them into Dredge’s shin, as high as she can reach as a wee thing. She pauses, and narrows red eyes, only looking up at them as she draws her claws back to lick off the blood. <<Oh. D’red, my love. I apologize for my hasty clawing…you’ll be fiiiiiine.>> She says, her starlit oceanic voice echoing in their mind. <<Now my darling, do buck up and take me away. This is awfully droll, and I would so like some adventure. Or just…not my siblings. Fools. >> She licks her claws clean like a wee cat, and blinks rainbows at Dredge. They will fall into those whirling, rainbow nebulae in her eyes. <<My name is Behelith, and you are my D’red. Is that suitable to you? Of course it is, don’t be rash. Now.>> She pats their bleeding leg, gashed to the bone, and croons softly. <<Take me to the food now, mine-love, and we shall chat.>> Is she always this violent and charming at the same time? Yes.
Sea of Stars Egg
Description: The egg is black as night, perched upright against its sibling. And yet, at its base, a glittering trail of bright starry patterning sweeps up it's side, a railway to the worlds beyond leading to skies unknown, if only you dare follow.
Touch 1: Starfarer is a far more somber presence than it's twin, rousing slowly to rise and rise and rise, towering above you somehow, despite only being presence. But it is not intimidating, not cruel, merely curious at this small presence prodding at it. Hello, what do you want? It's sibling is the exciting one, surely? But if you're here, sit and chat a spell, it welcomes you kindly, though with alien touch.
Touch 2: Perhaps it is not a bad thing for Starfarer to speak with you. Your mind is curious and interesting, and yet it senses some spark within. Do you desider the worldly? The ethereal? It wants to know, curling close and posing questions, thought never does it reveal enough about itself to be perceived, an enigma in the night behind it's shell. You get the impression of being analyzed, and being left wanting.
Touch 3: Starfarer relents, the glimmering expanse of itself revealed as it yawns, and you can sense the depths inside. As large as it is, multitudes await still, and you might spend forever trying to seek deeper and greater mystery. Is that what you desire, little one? Mystery? But what awaits at the end of all things, what lies beyond beyond? Are you the one to find out, perhaps, or will Starfarer list alone in the dark like before?
Stellar Supernova White Surianth
Non ClutchBearing
Adult Length: 15ft
A lavender-tinted white from nose to tailtip, this little dragon is unassuming and plain until he spreads his wings and you see the breathtaking supernova on his wingsails. They are deep blue with white and yellow starbursts, with the supernova tinted pink and purple. He is long for a white, with lithe limbs and a thin, whippy tail.
Surianth is built for speed, not strength. His stamina isn’t the greatest, but he is quick for the time he is able to be.
Intrepid Explorer
Mindscape to be decided by adopter!
Personality to be decided by adopter!
Hatchling template by hexwolf
Egg Template by Min/SkomorokhFossa
Egg written by Heather/Voxy
Dragon written by Heather/Voxy
Hatchling color by Jude
Egg Color by Jude
All inspiration images were found online and credit belongs to the original artist and photographer. We are not using these images as our own, but as tools to convey thematic concepts for the dragonets.
The Hatch
Put a Ring on It Egg wiggles back and forth where it’s nestled into the sand, then wiggles again, a little more vigorously!
Put a Ring on It Egg bounces once, twice, three times! On the third landing cracks spiderweb across its surface in a crazed pattern. It shivers. The hatchling within wants OUT!
Put a Ring on it Egg explodes outward, shell flying everywhere! Hope nobody caught any shell to the eye! When the debris settles, Stellar Supernova White Hatchling sits there on the sands, wet and slightly bedraggled, looking surprised and confused about what just happened.
Stellar Supernova White Hatchling takes stock of himself and looks around the sands and at each and every candidate before he even begins to move, but when he does, look out! He’s a quick one! The dragonet snakes up to one candidate, snuffling at them, but no, that’s not the right one and he darts off, looking for his perfect match.
Stellar Supernova White Hatchling scurries across the sands, chasing that pull in him that he knows will lead to something good, something and someone amazing and just right for him. He checks out several candidates, but none of them are just right, none of them are what he’s looking for, until he trips over his own four feet and unfurls his wings to stop his fall, brushing against the legs of... yes! Yes, this is the one! He falls gracefully at their feet, gazing up at them. Hello, forever-mine.Where one moment you were alone on the heated sands of the hatching cavern, the next you’re caught in the swirling rainbow of Stellar Supernova White Hatchling’s gaze and you will never be alone again! <<We are one! We are together, never to be parted! For I am your Surianth and you are my person. We will fly together, and our bond will make the very stars envious. But for now, mine, I hunger.>> You can feel Surianth’s hunger gnawing at your own belly - better sate it, and quickly!
Put a Ring On It Egg
Description: A breathtaking shade of deepest, darkest blue dominates this egg, which is large and almost completely spheroid. There are a few patches of lighter blues across the surface, ranging from a stark navy to an ethereal pale sky. These patches give the egg a mottled look, tricking the eye into making it look slightly bumpy. What really makes this egg stand out, though, is that the egg is bisected by two pinkish-purple and silver horizontal rings about a fingerwidth wide and a handwidth apart. The rings are fuzzy, as though made up of fine particles of dust. They cross in two places, giving a gyroscopic feel to the entire arrangement. Shining and shimmering in the light, the rings throw rainbow arcs onto the wall of the hatching cavern, dazzling even in the full light of day.
Touch 1: The Intrepid Explorer wonders who you are and what you’re doing here. Tendrils of curious thought spiral out from a tightly-furled galaxy floating in your mind’s eye. These tendrils coalesce into a shimmering staircase of starlight, beckoning you to climb and see what there is to see. As you climb, you witness the birth of stars, planets, solar systems until you are suddenly plunged into the middle of one solar system in particular, the speed of the takeover dizzying. But before you can make any sense of what you’ve seen, you’re gently deposited back onto the heat of the hatching sands, stars still blooming in your vision.
Touch 2: Ah, you’re back, are you? The Intrepid Explorer greets you this time instead of just wondering about you. You’re floating in the middle of that solar system you were plunged into last time - you are the solar body from whence this system takes its heat and light. Nine planets surround you, moving at various speeds. Time means nothing as you float here, taking in the sights. The system may seem familiar or it may not. The third planet is blue and green, lush to look at, but The Intrepid Explorer draws your attention further out, to a deep blue one with dusty pinkish-purple rings. It is this planet which the egg you are touching so closely resembles. The name of the planet is on your lips, but before you can utter it, you are back on your feet on the hatching sands, the planet’s name forever lost to your mind.
Touch 3: Where before you saw the planet from afar, now you are standing on a flat rock in the midst of those dusty rings. The Intrepid Explorer seems very proud of itself for putting you here, emanating a feeling of ‘you needed this’. The dust, ice, and rock that make up the rings floats by serenely, and you feel a sense of utter peace as you watch it all go by. Perhaps this is the first time you’ve felt at peace in weeks. Perhaps you are often at peace. Regardless of how you usually feel, it doesn’t diminish what you feel right now in any way. The feeling lingers as The Intrepid Explorer bids you farewell and you come back to yourself on the hatching sands, and will stick with you for a while yet beyond that.
Spirit of the Beast Red Gaiyardath
Adult Length: 42’ 10”
Gaiyardath is hotrod red. A charming, only barely-varying crimson color from nose to tailtips, this red is hardly the brick or mahogany reds sometimes seen in his color. He is red. Across his head and neck is a sanguine hood, crossing in front of his shoulders to form a deep V on his chest. This sanguine color covers his back and the ridges on his tail. It is also present on a “warpaint” marking that flows from his headknobs across his eye and turns sharply down to his chin. Just below, as if casting a shadow, is a brilliant golden stripe along the same line. Gaiyardath also sports “epaulette” marks of the same quality on both shoulders, and larger ones on the lee side of the medial sail of his wings. Similar ticks, though only in sanguine, define his thighs and his tail.Gaiyardath is on the short end for a red, but that still makes him about one and a half times larger than the average dragon. He is thick-bodied and forward-heavy, with large and strong shoulders that anchor deep (though short-spanned) wings. He’s not particularly handsome-looking as dragons go. His face is angular and thick-boned, with prominent eyeridges and cheekbones but a bullish width to his face; he has a perpetual frown in the turn of his lips. He’s distinctive, that’s certain.
Gaiyardath has an inertial physicality, not one that is particularly weak in the areas of cornering and agility, but one that is absolutely at its peak when there’s no turns and nothing in the way to hit. His legs are a bit short so he has a slink to him on the ground, perhaps flirtatious when he means it, but in the air he is all power. With such sturdy muscles and the deep draft of his wings, he can put a lot of drive into his flight and achieve remarkable speeds and precipitous vertical ascents. Gaiyardath has a mass problem, however, and while he can overtake most dragons given a few seconds to power up, smaller colors are able to get off the line faster than he can.
Can't Catch Me
Gaiyardath has a strong mental presence, earthy and rich and low and rumbled. The heavy and raw organic scent of scratched turf and disturbed grass, rough with life. The sharper, somehow sweet odor of machine oil and the dark streaks it leaves behind, the very image of hands-on work. There’s something in him of the low, heart-pounding sound of a great beast too, the snort of the angry bull or chuff of the prowling lion or grumble of a powerful engine.
Gaiyardath hatches out perhaps less boundlessly energetic than his egg-presence suggested. He’s very active, one might say “sporty,” but he’s definitely just got the average level of curiosity and drive for a dragon. Instead, Gaiyardath really embraces surety. He’s confident in a masculine, very butch sort of way, unflappable and assertive and maybe a little arrogant and pushy. He’s steady, though, resolute. Ok… let’s be fair, he’s probably not going to have a head for economics or astrophysics, more the next job or a pretty dragon, but he’s fundamentally optimistic and keeps his eyes open for opportunities.Instead he is focused on the real and immediate. He is driven, and physical, and body-aware: he feels his emotions strongly and the pair of them will probably have to practice more than average to be able to weather each other’s emotions. Gaiyardath is very reactive, like a bull seeing red. Gaiyardath is competitive. His zeal absolutely extends to blood sport and he will probably punch above his weight class. He’s liable to throw himself into something powerfully stupid because he wants the thrill, he wants to test himself, and he really didn’t think that hard about what happens next.His relationship with K’y is a thing that will grow over time, will need to grow over time for both of them to be healthy. Giayardath is insanely protective of K’y, he really genuinely loves K’y and will openly profess it, and he thinks of himself as a true brother-in-arms for the man. However, his protectiveness can also cross the line into paternalistic behavior, where Giayardath might make decisions for K’y or go behind his back. Seeing K’y in pain can hurt Gaiyardath too and he’ll do anything to make things right in the end. It’s up to the two of them to work out how to balance each other out, otherwise Gaiyardath might start thinking K’y is just a passenger on this ride.
Hatchling template by hexwolf
Egg Template by Min/SkomorokhFossa
Egg written by Shipfish
Dragon written by Shipfish
Hatchling color by Shipfish
Egg Color by Shipfish
All inspiration images were found online and credit belongs to the original artist and photographer. We are not using these images as our own, but as tools to convey thematic concepts for the dragonets.
“All at Once” Egg theme - All at Once was inspired by the speed of light. Not only is the speed of light the fastest anything can possibly go, it’s also devilishly difficult to understand. All at Once’s touches were inspired by the relativistic effects of travelling at light speed – everything around you will appear to stretch and squish until everything seems to be in front of you, unimaginably bright. Your time will slow to absolutely nothing – photons are eternal.Gaiyardath’s name - from Gallardo (guy-yar-doh), a Spanish breed of cattle considered foundation stock for fighting bulls. Also the name of the 2003-2013 V10 Lamborghini, with a max speed of 200 mph and 0-60 of 3.7 seconds (depending on build).“Spirit of the Beast” title/theme - Gaiyardath is loosely inspired by fast cars, but the comparison isn’t that shallow; when we talk about fast cars and other amazing feats of engineering, we escape the mundane and talk about the rawness and organicism of them, our vocabulary failing to describe the divine mechanicity of speed and power and falling back to the bestial. As fast as a cheetah. As elegant as a gazelle. As strong as a bull. The “Spirit of the Beast” that is Gaiyardath is the reflection of our desire to impart living qualities to our creations, to render them in terms of bone and blood. Gaiyardath is K’y’s mount, his steed, his shiny car… but also the flashing eye of the lion in the grass… he’s K’y’s partner but also a real creature of his own.
The Hatch
Sitting in the shadow of a larger egg, the All at Once Egg gives a frenetic little twitch. There it goes again. Wait, is that already a crack? It’s difficult to tell given the multi-colored and shining surface of the shell. Now that this egg has wobbled, it’s not stopping.
If there was any doubt before, there can’t be any now as a huge crack slices across the All at Once Egg’s shell. The hatchling within is clearly straining mightily at the boundaries of their cage, and they creel faintly.
The All at Once Egg’s shell finally gives way. Unfolding like a blossom, or perhaps a cracked skull, is a large hatchling for such a small egg. The Spirit of the Beast Red Hatchling lays there for a moment, processing his victory, before his young lungs cry out in unmistakable joy, pride, and maybe a little bit of confusion? The crimson-hided dragonet – decorated with pips of gold – flips over, and just like that the Spirit of the Beast Red announces his presence. < I’m heeeeeere! > he cries out, head swinging to try to see his intended bondmate.
The Spirit of the Beast Red seems to have someone in mind, but he’s not sure where to find them. He shakes out his wings and slinks across the Sands to the candidates, about to dive between them, eager to use milling legs as an obstacle course. < Hey! Where are you? No, not you, > he tosses his head at a hopeful young girl.But then, a sound, no, a feeling – the Song of Terminus Oil reaching out to target a candidate, Krys. The Spirit of the Beast Red roars with the voice of the lion, < What are you doing! > and leaps into a charge, aiming to crash into the oil’s midsection.
Song of Terminus Oil’s rattling hiss doesn’t dissuade Spirit of the Beast Red from his course and he throws his head up and trumpets loudly as she goes sprawling. His short tail lashes as she gets her feet back under her and volleys back.< I don’t need a right, bitch. What did you do that for? That’s right, get out of here. > The Spirit of the Beast Red bares his teeth back, bobbing his head like a striking snake until she’s moved away from the victim he’s dedicated to protecting.
Once the other dragon is on her way, the Spirit of the Beast Red straightens up and resettles his wings. The danger is gone and he found himself right where he needs to be. Turning around to look at Krys, his eyes flood with anxious yellows and dull pops of grey. < Oh, shit, are you ok? How bad did she hurt you? I’m gonna get that bitch… Krys, my Krys, are you doing ok? >The Spirit of the Beast Red scrambles to Krys’s side, warm snout digging under his arm and against his ribs. < HEALER!! > he yells, and like an electric shock his gaze fully meets Krys’s. Despite his distress, rainbows explode across the facets of his eyes. All at once, all at once the red’s everything grips Krys by the heart and slots into place like it was always there. Gaiyardath. His name is Gaiyardath, Krys just knows that and knows the warmth of love that Gaiyardath holds for him, as well as his fear, and his hunger. He needs to be fed soon, but he has other things on his mind. < Krys. K’y, K’y, come on, man. Talk to me. We gotta get you up. >
All at Once Egg
Description: Not so large of an egg, quite unimpressive, actually, the All at Once Egg is distinguished by its energetic character. It can rarely be found in the same place twice; it needs to be moved around, finding every corner of the clutch, and can frequently be seen nestled under larger eggs as if captured by their gravity. All at Once has a glistening grey shell, though streaked with white and blue and green and red and black like the embodiment of speed itself.
Touch 1: The All at Once Egg's shell is no different in texture than any other egg. Unlike some others, no presence descends immediately, although… was that something? Like a blink. There it is again! The sense of energy that you felt from the egg flickers without rhythm or purpose, as if its soul can't stay in one place. Can't Catch Me zooms from end to end of their shell at incredible speed, passing weightlessly through your mental touch like smoke through your fingers.
Touch 2: Can't Catch Me is never going to stop; only once you realize that, realize that the creature within is as free a spirit as they can be, do they… slow. Well, not slow exactly – but when they next pass by your presence against their shell, everything slows. Can't Catch Me is looking at you, how little you are, and in this new awareness Can't Catch Me is not as small as the boundary of the All at Once Egg – they are huge, an enormous train of thought that extends before and through and behind you. And then they're gone again.
Touch 3: By now used to Can't Catch Me's tricks, you know to wait until the next time they pass you by. This time, their racing self seems to strike you from behind; as before, the world itself slows, movement around you ticking to a halt. Your awareness flows inward; it's as if your periphery becomes your focus, field of view broadening until everywhere, everywhen is within your sight, so bright, so enticing! At the same time as you and Can't Catch Me are frozen, infinitely long, hovering on the edge of eternity, everything there is to see is compressed in a tiny point of light directly ahead. You are suddenly sure that there is pain underneath Can't Catch Me's boundless energy, an infinite longing for everything just out of reach.
Seeker of Cosmic Wonders Pink Haumeath
Adult Length: 19’ 9”
She is small without seeming delicate, graceful without being slender. Rather, she has a compact, muscular body, and her gait is a fluid, feline one. The base color of her hide is a pink gradient going from nose to tail tips, starting from the pale pink that is the first hint of color at dawn and just getting brighter and more vivid from there, just as a real sunrise does. All across her hide are large, circular spots of deep amber-orange that one could compare to a welcoming sun or an eclipsed moon. Within some of these spots are rings or circles of bright, blazing white - undifferentiated white, like light not yet and not ever refracted into the human-visible spectrum of colors - a possibility unresolved.
Physicality to be decided by adopter!
The Last Outpost
There will be some people, after coming into contact with Haumeath, who will swear that she must have a whole galaxy in her psyche. If that is true, she never lets anyone see the whole scope of it at once, not even her own rider. She does not want to overwhelm people with her internal immensity. But when she is filled with joy and wonder, excitement and curiosity, as she is most of the time, the mental images she freely shares are full of sweeping starscapes and stunning vistas of varied solar systems - the sort of thing she would like to see one day with her own eyes. If she’s trying to hold your attention, or to emphasize a connection or a relationship, the sensation of gravitational tugging and pulling is introduced to the communication, and images of orbiting bodies, such as binary star systems, planets around a sun, or moons around a planet are more likely to be the backdrop. Her anger brings you close to the burning heat and crushing gravity of the stars inside of her. And when she is upset, whether in general or at you, but especially if she no longer wants to talk to you, you find yourself sent farther out into the cold void of space, the twinkling stars faint in the distance.She has a habit of attempting to process all the information her nearby environment offers to her senses, each minute detail and the big picture all at once, trying to hold it all in her conscious awareness simultaneously. Those who attempt to mentally connect with her during these attempts will find themselves swept along the dizzying whirl of her thoughts, spinning too fast as they hurtle through the lightless dark. This is never intentional on her part, and once she’s noticed this has happened, she snaps out of that state and does her best to bring whoever she’s caught up with her back to earth as well.
Most living organisms, when they truly confront the immensity of the cosmos, inevitably feel intimidated by how small they are in the grand scheme of things. Some feel crushed by the weight of their insignificance. Many choose to shrink back from this realization, willfully ignoring the truth. Not Haumeath. She knows that she is just one pink dot on a mote of cosmic dust, and stands undaunted by this reality perhaps because of her internal immensity? This does not mean she is not humbled by the universe’s grand size: she’s just at peace with what she is in it.She’s one of those individuals who is clearly just happy to be alive. She takes and expresses joy in the small wonders that people tend to take for granted: warm sunlight, the availability of tasty food, the refreshing coolness of life-giving water, this beautiful communal garden, that tall skyscraper over there - the wonders of the universe are infinite, and Haumeath marvels at them all, even the littlest ones.That doesn’t mean that she doesn’t have her favorites, or that her gaze doesn’t naturally drift towards the night sky. It does. She could easily find herself falling into the stereotype of “5th caste dragon who works for SpaceCraftHall,” and quite honestly, she wouldn’t mind if she did. Her path in life is no more set in stone than any other hatchling’s, though, but regardless of what her career path ends up looking like, the wonders of the cosmos will always hold a special place in her heart, stargazing will be a hobby, and one of her favorite things to do will be to fly with her rider through the starry night skies of Pern, to revel in the beauty of the heavens together.Perhaps it is her interest in, and eventually knowledge of, the vast cosmos that causes her to take such a long view of life on Pern. She is not one to hold grudges, or to partake in petty squabbles - the lifespan of the inhabitants of Pern are just a blip in the immense expanse of cosmic time, so what is the point of wasting any iota of this brief, shining moment on such trivial things? Likewise, she is not one naturally inclined to involvement in politics, activism (militant or otherwise), or violence beyond self-defense. She is definitely a supporter of equality and civil rights, but she will also point out the societal progress that has been made over just the past 600 years - do you know how short 600 years is compared to the lifespan of the universe? - as the reason why she is in no hurry to add extra effort of her own, even for causes she supports. She has faith in Pern, in reason, and in the inexorable march of time. Some will undoubtedly accuse her of being lackadaisical in regards to social issues, of not caring enough - and she won’t care about these opinions. She won’t care about the opinions most people will have of her in general. She sees no point in wasting her brief blip of existence on worrying about the opinions of others, and it’s impossible to please everyone anyway.But this is only in general. Only with strangers and acquaintances. Only with small things. For things that she has put effort and passion into, for the ones she loves - her heart is as wide open as the sky for those dear to her, her loyalty to them unfathomably deep - she cares very much about how she is judged. She doesn’t want to give so much of herself and have the only response be disappointment. Her fear of only disappointing those whose opinions she cares about manifests like some kind of deep emotional scar, arguably pathological in nature. This might be puzzling to her rider, since she started displaying this straight out of the egg - and it will never be something she is fully able to shake.
Hatchling template by hexwolf
Egg Template by Min/SkomorokhFossa
Egg written by Sephisso
Dragon written by Sephisso
Hatchling color by Jude
Egg Color by hexwolf
All inspiration images were found online and credit belongs to the original artist and photographer. We are not using these images as our own, but as tools to convey thematic concepts for the dragonets.
Egg and dragon theme the dwarf planet Haumea. The early part of melodysheep’s “THE SIGHTS OF SPACE: A Voyage to Spectacular Alien Worlds,” video on YouTube was an ongoing inspiration throughout. There is no playlist here because of my lack of spoons, but if you want some music for this dragon, melodysheep’s music is out there on YouTube, Spotify, and all other major music platforms.
The Hatch
The Oblong Planetoid Egg is shaking so fast it honestly looks like it’s vibrating from nervous energy. So far the wrinkly shell is withstanding the rapid motion without issue.
A loud, thunderous CRACK sound comes from the Oblong Planetoid Egg, and it stops moving. The egg looks intact, though: there is no obvious crack to be seen.
A nose suddenly pokes out of the duller red patch at the bottom of the Oblong Planetoid Egg, nostrils flaring. It is rapidly followed by the rest of the head, the neck, the two front legs, and so on until the entirety of the Seeker of Wonders Pink finishes crawling out from underneath her egg. <Hi, I’m here!> she announces. <I hope I don’t disappoint.>
The Seeker of Wonders Pink has paused to take in all the sights that the Hatching Cavern has to offer: the cheering audience, the assembled candidates, her loving parents, her various siblings and their scattered shells that were present. One sibling in particular seems to catch her eye, the Dove of War Orichalum. <Oh, look at you! You’re all pretty and shiny and gold!> she cheers at them.
To her sibling the Dove of War Orichalcum’s response, the Seeker of Wonders Pink immediately replies, <I think I know what gold is. And I think you are gold, at least partially. I … don’t really know what to call the other color on your hide, though, to be honest.> After that confession, the pink proceeded to stretch and then stride off towards the candidates, perhaps not wanting to dwell on any potential embarrassment there.
The Seeker of Wonders Pink’s search is relatively quick, efficient, and without incident. She seems to have taken to humming the hatching song herself as she goes from human to human. She never gets closer than a couple of feet away from them if she can help it, stopping only to check if this is the right one until moving on.That is, until she finally sits at the feet of the human who is apparently her choice. <There you are! It’s me, your Haumeath!> The rainbow swirls in her eyes draw her chosen into a vision of seeing auroras in the atmosphere of a terrestrial planet from satellite-eye view, to cruising underneath the south pole of a magnetic gas giant to catch sight of a stunning aurora there, to finally settling on the edge of a solar system, on - or maybe as? - a small planetoid of rock, ringed by a faint icy halo that defines a horizontal plane, with a couple of small moons dancing around in orbit that completely ignore that delineation. This the best spot to stop and view the glorious interstellar nebulas in all their arrays of colors. <I know you won’t be disappointed in me … right?>
The Oblong Planetoid Egg
Description: In a sea of rich and vibrantly colored clutchmates with their smooth, glassy shells, this egg stands out for having a rough, dull surface. Those familiar with wher eggs will note that Oblong Planetoid looks more like one of those than a dragon egg, although it is clearly too big to be a wher egg. Its surface is predominantly a lunar white-gray, pockmarked by darker, almost crater-like shadows cast by the uneven calcification across the shell. The bottom right quarter or third of it - it’s hard to tell exactly how much of it, with the way it’s nestled in the sand - is a dull brownish, almost rusty red patch, the color of a dried bloodstain. It’s enough to make one wonder if Frith or Moth gutted some intruder on the stands earlier and couldn’t properly clean all the blood off of this egg for some reason.
Touch 1: The moment you touch this egg, the world goes dark. You are spinning, spinning far too fast, careening through what appears to be an endless, lightless black void. Where are you? Where are you going? There is no way to tell. Perhaps vertigo, nausea, or plain old existential terror sets in. Then there is what feels like an apologetic hand on your shoulder - sorry, The Last Outpost didn’t mean to have you get caught up in the frenetic whirl of its mind like that - and you are back on the sands, as if you went nowhere and nothing had happened.
Touch 2: The Last Outpost is more prepared for you this time. You are once again in the dark, still spinning, but at a much more manageable speed. There are two lights in here in the void with you now - moons? Not Belior and Timor. The inner one is much smaller than the outer one, though both are rather small for moons. The inner one orbits you elliptically, angling around you, zipping from above the left side of your head to below the right side of your feet and back again. Meanwhile, the outer one orbits on a horizontal plane relative to you, a bit slower and more steady than the inner moon. You can feel their gravitational pull on you, making you twirl around but also anchoring you, stabilizing you in this cosmic dance. You get lost in it for a while before you gradually fade back to reality.
Touch 3: The Last Outpost greets you with the sight of a solar system, bright, luminous yellow sun in the center, planets ringing around it in nearly perfect circular orbits. The third planet from the sun is a tiny speck in comparison, a little but beautiful blue marble. Is it Pern? Or perhaps Terra, the world humans originally came from? You are not given time to figure this out. The Last Outpost pans your perspective around 180 degrees - and where you might have expected to see more empty void, in accordance with your previous encounters, you instead bear witness to a sea of stars, spreading out infinitely in all directions. This here is the edge of a solar system, and there’s a whole universe out there, waiting to be explored and discovered. Marvel as long as you like - but if you attempt to step or otherwise move outwards yourself, you find yourself back on the sands.
Brilliant Path Through The Void Red Aventith
Adult Length: 48ft
Aventith is large and long, close to the upper end of the range for one of their caste. They look more than a little mismatched, with a long torso, slender tail and huge wings… and short, stocky legs. Their neck is short and thick, their shoulders dense with muscle. If a jet decided to mimic the proportions of a weasel, that would be Aventith. This gives them a bit of a hopping gait on the ground, but in the air they’re a powerful flyer with incredible endurance.Their hide is a red rich as sunset, with faint and irregular stripes of a less saturated shade appearing most thickly on their tail and legs. A blaze of fiery copper covers their head and neck, trailing into wispy curls around their chest and back. Their wings show that same copper warming to bright patches of crimson along their sails, then fading into a deep, dusky red.
Aventith is a clumsy hatchling and will remain so for much of their early growth, at least until they’ve gotten used to their proportions. Fully grown, they might not be known for being particularly elegant or graceful in their motion, but they will prove more nimble than they appear. Due to their short legs, they tire more easily on foot than their peers, and frankly see no need to have to walk anywhere if they can just fly.
The Anchor’s Wake
Aventith’s mind is one of constant motion and dizzying expanses, a skyscape that shifts with their mood. True storms and turmoil are rare, but they tend to pull people along with them, into the stillness of a glide or a gutwrenching plunge. Even speaking casually, their voice carries the rush and snap and wail of the wind and visions of a limitless sky, softened by thoughtful clouds. When particularly focused, this inner sky only grows larger, the height from which they view it even greater to show the curve of the atmosphere.
A relentless optimist, with emphasis on relentless. Much like the whirling plummet and glide of their mind, Aventith does not stay still, or pause, or hesitate. They throw themself into every opportunity presented with equal fervor, and come out the other side undaunted regardless of whether they actually enjoyed the experience. But for all the momentum and enthusiasm, Aventith is not someone to get swept up in their own passion. They’re observant and perceptive, with a knack for snap judgments and quick reads of a situation. Once they’ve picked a course of action, nothing can make them back down on it… but they also tend to pick up various interests and pastimes like burrs. Some of these will fall away naturally, but Aventith genuinely enjoys dabbling and meddling and trying things even if they do not produce an end result. It is the journey that matters, in their eyes.With this momentum comes certainty. Aventith is sure of who they are and what they want to be doing. They might not understand the anxieties and fears that trouble the people around them - though Isolt’s will lie closest to mind, and through her they can at least make a guess - but they’re happy to drag them along in what might be a helpful direction, or at the very least stand in their corner. However, they are simply too set in their own direction to realize their impact on others outside of their bondmate, and can easily be intimidatingly self-assured or overwhelming without meaning to.On the other side of that certainty and fearlessness, they are forthright and painfully honest. Treading carefully simply isn’t in their nature, and they have no interest in working to change that. It will take time to learn when their input is necessary or wanted, and they will squarely wade into conversations and situations Isolt would have avoided on her own. Conflict is just another kind of experience, and they’re sure they’ll make it through to the other side.
Hatchling template by hexwolf
Egg Template by Min/SkomorokhFossa
Egg written by Storm
Dragon written by Storm
Hatchling color by AJ
Egg Color by Ollie
All inspiration images were found online and credit belongs to the original artist and photographer. We are not using these images as our own, but as tools to convey thematic concepts for the dragonets.
Theme: Accretion disk, contrails, high altitude
Name: From the Latin “avens, aventis”, meaning “to do eagerly/with pleasure”
The Hatch
The Burning Gyre Egg wiggles in its heap of sand. There’s a long and contemplative pause, and then another little twitch of motion. The hatchling inside doesn’t seem all that sure about making its way out just yet.
With a sharp thump, the Burning Gyre Egg nearly rolls from its place. It has decisively changed its mind, and is now rocking back and forth with the effort of the dragonet’s movements within. A thin spiderweb of cracks tracks its progress.
After another few minutes of hard work, the Burning Gyre Egg cracks in several places at once, revealing some flailing limbs and a brightly marked head. The Brilliant Path Through The Void Red Hatchling takes a moment to push and claw at the remaining egg before they clamber out and takes their first unsteady step onto the sands, still shedding little bits of eggshell as they go.
The Brilliant Path Through The Void Red Hatchling doesn’t want to waste a moment. They stretch out their long and vibrantly red wings, lash an equally long tail, and leap forward to meet the candidates.They promptly fumble the landing, skidding on the sand and tumbling right into Virox in a tangle of pointy and panicked limbs to knock them down. Oh no, this isn’t how it’s supposed to go at all! Who allowed the sand to just move like that? Desperate to get their footing back, the dragonet flails, leaving long - but thankfully, mostly shallow - clawmarks in anything and everything around it, but mostly Virox. Not one to thrash by half measures, they also slam their considerable tail into the knees of an unfortunate Seerama.
Finally managing to get their feet beneath them, Brilliant Path Through The Void Red Hatchling shakes off the collision a little sheepishly. Now that they know the ground can betray them, they’ll be more careful! But any lingering uncertainty doesn’t last for more than a few steps, and then the dragonet presses on to examine the other candidates, if at a… more sedate pace than before. Their head turns this way and that, trying to pinpoint just what - who - is calling Them. Their eyes flicker red-orange with hunger and urgency, but they won’t be rushed. They have to be sure…
Brilliant Path Through The Void Red Hatchling didn’t set out on their search with a plan, and they’re not about to change that now. They prowl back and forth, seeking the right person based on that most ephemeral of criteria: vibes. Several of the candidates strike a familiar enough chord to warrant closer inspection, but none hold the red’s attention for long. None until something clicks, like the first sweep of wings through the air.<Isolt!> the dragonet cries out without caring to limit their strident voice to the two of them alone. They ready themself to spring towards her, and then with great effort hold back enough to just walk over instead. They butt their head against her hip with barely restrained affection before meeting her gaze, eyes a rainbow shimmer. <Do you remember? You gave me the sun.> The memory she offered them all those weeks ago surfaces and unfurls, leaving the heat and noise of the sands for a radiant stretch of sky. The details are plucked from how Isolt observed them, the setting sun gilding some clouds and painting others in dusky shadow. They drift there together in that golden light of a moment earnestly preserved - until a sharp pang of hunger reminds the dragonet they’re not quite done.<I’m Aventith! I couldn’t wait for you to find me again. Or I’d find you. Whichever.>
The Burning Gyre Egg
Description: Neither particularly large nor small, this egg sits low in the sand, giving it an air of both heft and warmth. Soft radiance washes over this egg’s shell, a swirling cascade of creams and yellows and gold that stand out from its many darker brethren. The colors form an unmistakable spiral, steadily growing looser and melting together in warm streaks of orange and red as they spread out. As the spiral tightens it grows brighter, almost glowing until it reaches the core: a small, blurry patch high off on the egg’s side. Plain white in color, it gives the egg an almost unfinished look, empty of its most pivotal piece.
Touch 1: The Anchor’s Wake reacts in surprised delight to meet another mind. It pulls too, not hard but insistent, questing, rifling through surface impressions and thoughts to learn from and bring back with it. Along with the pull is a current of longing, coalescing in fragmentary sensations: a flash of light out of the corner of your eye, a familiar smell you cannot quite remember, warmth that does not quite reach you. Something is missing, but the Anchor’s Wake doesn’t know what. Will meeting you help discover it?
Touch 2: It’s you again! The Anchor’s Wake’s delight is stronger now, and the pull intensifies to match. With familiarity comes greater precision in its search, spooling out examples of decisions you’ve made, ideas you’ve had, goals you treasure and strive for. The Anchor’s Wake is full of questions. How do you know what you want is what you want? Did you choose it or did you become it? Beneath the joyful curiosity, the longing thrums on; a hollowed space, an absent presence, a weight that cannot be touched.
Touch 3: The Anchor’s Wake drags your mind with it as soon as your hand touches the shell. Its anticipation is whirling and white-hot, the amassed thoughts and emotions brought into its orbit turned to a riotous, coruscating tangle. It tugs you through the blazing noise to where it is brightest and loudest and most crowded – and then beyond it, the vast and seething space the longing has become. Maybe it will always be unfulfilled, a question that cannot be answered. But the search will still matter. Perhaps you can go looking together?
Flames of Mars Red Renmieth
Adult Length: 52ft
A beautiful garnet red, she is a rich deep color at the base, elegant and shining almost velveteen across her matte hide. But what sets her apart are the almost gilded inlay on her hide, markings of bright gold that shine and shimmer like molten metal poured liquid over her body. Her markings are reminiscent of an old Terran pharaoh, stark around her eyes and neck, and delicately, somehow, accentuating her powerful paws and thick claws.
Renmieth is a BIG GIRL. She’s both thick and heavy, built like a draft creature, and massive for her ranks, topping out at a full three feet over her normal rank’s upper limits. She is big boned and tough, muscular and strong with a barrel chest and thick, powerful legs that will launch her into the air like a catapult. However, her flight suffers for her size, wings broad and strong but not agile, making her more a powerful flier than a swift or aerobatic one. Her thick tail lashes and slams on the ground in her moods, and she has a thick, saurian jaw and powerful strong neck. And yet, she is lithe, lean, a lioness and a creature of liquid movement, dancing across the surface of the world as she goes, feline and easy in her physicality.
Littlest Spacefarer
At first, the scent of molten metal, and intense heat. Her mind is a forge, thick with the clanging of iron and hammers on anvils, and the heaviness of heat that comes with it. But deeper there is something even more strong, dense, heated. A core of a binary star, shining out from the forge’s very heart, intense and heavier than anything else. Her words are weighted, sound and solid, and her emotions pulses of heat and white-hot metal, the words each a hammer pang of the strike on the malleable forms.
Renmieth is a dreamer with a flair for the dramatic, absolutely certain in her beliefs that anything she dares imagine she can do. This can lead her into trouble sometimes, but it’s rare, because she is also grounded in reality, knowing her own limits and not dreaming the impossible. What she sets her eyes on will always be achievable with hard work (hers or Cala’s) and solidly within the realm of possibility. This is not to say she does not dream big, or that her ‘big’ is somehow dull or droll, but that she fights to break rules, and smash the patriarchy, as it were. She’s not rude or mean, but she is outspoken and strong.For Calarel she wishes for her rider to become free of the bonds of the world, to break his chains and fly free with her, spiraling into the unknown with open hearts and open minds. Things are scary in the world, she knows that, but the world can be conquered and won with bravery and a free spirit. She knows Cal has within him a spirit capable of doing the world some amazing things, and she wants to encourage and support that.She may at first seem a bit of a cloddy ditz, but she is smart and strong, and though she and Cal may seem at odds, their rough edges fit together like they were made for one another, each one’s edges and rough points smoothing out the other’s. She loves him, and is devoted to setting him free and being the wind under his wings, or…well, just his wings. She may not be a small or quiet, meek dragon, but she is Cal’s equal and opposite, but somehow completing him.
Hatchling template by hexwolf
Egg Template by Min/SkomorokhFossa
Egg written by Redwere
Dragon written by Redwere
Hatchling color by Redwere
Egg Color by Redwere
All inspiration images were found online and credit belongs to the original artist and photographer. We are not using these images as our own, but as tools to convey thematic concepts for the dragonets.
The Hatch
The Red Dwarf Egg shakes. Once. One singular, heavy shudder. That is all, then it remains still as the grave, ominous and dark.
The Red Dwarf Egg shudders once more, a crack forming along the broad side, spiderwebbing up to the apex, as the shell begins to split.
The Red Dwarf Egg explodes in a shower of shell shards and egg goo, the crimson hatchling inside shaking a massive, thick head, and she prowls out, curious eyes taking on the gathering around her. The Flames of Mars Red Hatchling is here, and she’s ready.
The Flames of Mars Red Hatchling tests her paws, digging her toes into the surface beneath her feet, and she flexes sharp claws elegantly. Hm. Alright, this is nice, good start. She treads forward, a bit plodding at first but quickly gaining control of her limbs and stretching into a fluid pace as she prowls. She’s massive and bumps others out of the way as she goes, nudging candidates here and there.
The Flames of Mars Red snaps her jaws ferociously, but does not bite, as a young woman gets in her way. No, no thank you, she seems to say, and she warns the woman off with a growl. This one is not for her, and when another reaches out to her, she dances out of their reach with a laugh and a wink, telling them privately <No, no, not you either, my dear.>
The Flames of Mars Red swims through the candidates like a fish upstream, easily and gracefully avoiding others. She is on a mission, and her stomach growls, needing lots of calories to fuel her large frame. She’s elegant but huge, and her shell had given her no trouble, but she hungers. But one mind draws her, like a moth to flame, and she settles at Calarel’s feet, sighing and leaning into him.<<Ah, there you are. That woman tried to force me, and I am so tired, C’rel. Or do you prefer C’arl? Silly name, but it’s in your mind…>> She stretches one foreleg forward, showing off her glimmering gilded markings. <<No, no, I think C’rel. I am Renmieth, and I have chosen you. You are mine heart, mine spirit, and I wish to choose you. Would you have me, Calarel?>>
Red Dwarf Egg
Description: A midsized egg, the Red Dwarf doesn't come in as small a size as it's name might imply. Gently oval, it often is flopped on its side lazily peering out at the world, confident in safety knowing big sib is watching its back. The shell is dark crimson fading into spirals of bright ruby and yellow, like a star collapsing on itself.
Touch 1: Littlest Spacefarer peers into your kind, eagerly looking for new territory to explore, rifling through your thoughts and memories like a crab sifting through sand for a snack. It wants morsels! It searches and sifts, until it is either closed or forced out, and then it just sighs at you, dismayed you've taken the good shit away. Meanie.
Touch 2: Littlest Spacefarer is glad to see you don't hate it! You came back, right? They aren't apologetic exactly, but they reach out more gently this time, asking permission for your mind but once you let it in, it cries out jubilantly and dives right in with a crashing cannonball. Welp. At least you knew this was coming. And yet, the crash landing isn't painful or violent, excitement flooding in as the dragon within explores.
Touch 3: And who are you, exactly, the egg asks? What powers you, pushes you through the darkness into the abyss of the stars, when there's no guarantee of safety or victory on the other side? What do YOU cast out among the void to seek, and why should Littlest Spacefarer be the one to fly you to the moons and back? What makes your adventures worth accompanying you on?
Strike the Match Blue Agneuth
Non ClutchBearing
Adult Length: 41' 2"
Agneuth is a light-colored blue, the color of the bright cloudless sky about two hours before sunset. His feet and wingtips fade into a more stonewash color. Towards his head, his hide deepens a little into a twilight blue, but is totally predominated by a white, pink, and yellow starburst that emerges from his left eye. It crosses over onto his neck and over his headknobs, looking for all the world like the light of inspiration itself.Agneuth is pretty skinny, with long coltish limbs and a slightly knock-kneed stance. His snout is a little beaky, with a Roman bump, but he has beautifully-shaped eyes.
A little awkward and clutzy
Out of the triangle of speed, agility, and endurance, he’s best at speed and second at endurance. Overall, he has to train hard to excel at athletics
Very steady hands
Blaze of Glory
Light. Agneuth’s voice shows itself as a candle in the dark, a tiny visual whisper at times, at other times as bright and golden as the noonday sun. When he is talking to strangers his voice tends to be dimmer, more tepid, like moonlight or fluorescents or the sudden dimness as a cloud passes over the sun. With his bonded, and with dragons, humans, etc. that he trusts, his voice is noticeably brighter, shining brilliantly with the purity of starlight or the happy warmth of Rukbat. All manner of qualities of light show out his emotions, and his mindscape can be ambient and foggy, direct and piercing, hollow and lightless, or warm and full of firefly motes.
(Please expand!) Agneuth is a very intelligent dragon. He is full of heart, too, and loves his chosen interests – which might change often, or might be as steady as the stars – with a brilliance that is hard to measure. Though he is effusive and emotionally sensitive, he is also a bit gullible, tending not to realize other people aren’t as honest as he is. Agneuth can be happy anywhere, doing anything, but is best when he feels success is just out of reach.Strike the Match: Agneuth has the potential to do great things, or to enable his bonded to do great things, he just needs the impetus. He loves to discuss and debate and has a knack for helping others come to realizations – not necessarily in a therapy way, but in the “eureka!” way.
Hatchling template by hexwolf
Egg Template by Min/SkomorokhFossa
Egg written by Shipfish
Dragon written by Shipfish
Hatchling color by Shipfish
Egg Color by Shipfish
All inspiration images were found online and credit belongs to the original artist and photographer. We are not using these images as our own, but as tools to convey thematic concepts for the dragonets.
Primordial Roar Egg - The Primordial Roar egg was based on quasars (a type of active galactic nucleus). Though the exact mechanism for these phenomena are unknown, they are thought to result from the supermassive black hole at the center of a galaxy having a nice snack on some dust and gas, and in the process, the gas and dust heat up bright enough to shine. Quasars are the brightest things in the universe (barring the occasional very close, very big supernova), hence the mind-name “Blaze of Glory”. They shine brighter by thousands of times than the galaxies they inhabit. They are very important for shaping our understanding of the early universe because they are so massively luminous that their light can reach across ten billion years to our telescopes, telling us about the composition and structure of the early universe.
The name “Agneuth” - Ok, this one is pretty silly. I wanted a slightly old-sounding, odd name for him, and played around with a couple things until I hit on… Active Galactic Nucleus. Active galactic nucleus… Agneuth!
The title “Strike the Match” - As I was writing Agneuth, I knew I didn’t want to take the egg too literally (I knew there were a lot of strong, loud personalities among his siblings!) but I knew his passion and drive would be central. Agneuth is inspiration. Agneuth is so smart, so bright, so kind and helpful, so passionate, but he is nothing without others to set alight, or for them to activate him. While Agneuth is certainly capable of being loud and single-minded like he was in the egg, he’s more outside of it.
The Hatch
Many of the eggs are rocking, wiggling, or shifting and the Primordial Roar Egg is no different. It shifts almost rhythmically in its hollow, driving itself deeper into a loose sandtrap.
The Primordial Roar Egg tips again, now laying almost on its side. The shell strains and crackles, disturbing the brilliant flames decorating its surface. Slowly, slowly, they widen until a dark nostril emerges and takes the air.
Thump! Something falls against the Primordial Roar Egg and all its movements cease. The loose and treacherous sand around the egg shift under the new weight of the Sky Full of Dreams Green and the whole complex sinks another inch deeper.< H-Hello? > the inhabitant of the Primordial Roar Egg asks, tentatively. < Did you… are you on top of my egg? Your gravity is making things a little bit difficult for me. > With a full-body wiggle, enough pieces of orange and red shell fall away to reveal a few sunny blue edges of the Strike the Match Blue Hatchling.
Thankfully, the Sky Full of Dreams Green is quick to react. < It’s alright, > says the Strike the Match Blue, voice still a little wavering but very, very polite. < I just want to get out, you see. Like all of us, I presume. I’m feeling oh-so-hungry and oh-so- oh! – >The Sky Full of Dreams Green’s efforts pay off and the Strike the Match Blue stands up out of his egg, knees weak. Why, he’s twice his clutchmate’s height! Coltish in the leg and long-faced, the Strike the Match Blue leans down to nudge the Sky Full of Dreams Green in thanks. < Wow – you’re – small, I suppose, but oh, that’s not so bad. Say, do you think we ought to? > he throws his head over towards the candidates gathered nearby, taking a careful step onto the sand.
Strike the Match Blue stumbles a bit too as the smaller green bumps into him. < Oh, take care, little brother, > he says to the Sky Full of Dreams Green. However…Well, the little thing goes tumbling. His tail hits the Strike the Match Blue’s ankle and, new as they are, the weak limb collapses and he goes tottering and tumbling the other way! Slinging sand everywhere as he stumbles and wobbles, the Strike the Match Blue crashes into one candidate – < Oh, dear, oh my, I’m sorry, oh – > and in his desire to get up the large blue throws out his large wings and clocks Huaren (@Riyel) right on the nose. Oof, that might be broken…< Sorry, I’ll just, > the blue says, extricating himself from the situation and stiliting towards someone else.
The Strike the Match Blue (slowly) finds his feet as he progresses through the candidates. He keeps his wings pulled up tight to his body, long neck weaving to and fro as he looks. < Hello there. Ah, no, I thought you were someone else. Terribly sorry… > he says as he looks around, until finally his eyes light on one particular candidate…< You! Yes, you there, come here – no, I’ll come to you. Quite right. Yes, it is you! My love, I am Agneuth! Please give me a little hug, it is so nice to meet you for the first time! I’m overjoyed, I simply cannot wait to explore the world together… only… I am quite hungry. Could we? > after embracing his chosen lifemate, Agneuth looks wistfully over to the weyrling feeding station.
Primordial Roar Egg
Description: Large and loud, the Primordial Roar Egg is yellow, orange, red, the colors of fire and sunrise and passion. Painted on its shell is a tremendous starburst, a visual roar of beginning, being, dying; the egg is forever leaning one way or the other as if reaching, and even past the bounds of its shell this dragonet-to-be's presence can scald anyone walking by. But its temperament isn't angry – Primordial Roar is if anything elated, but its joy is simply too awesome to withstand.
Touch 1: The Primordial Roar Egg is warm to the touch, moreso than the ambient heat of the Sands would lend it. The shell is hot. Feverish. Scorching. A low rumble starts in your ears and you find yourself clenching your jaw; the Primordial Roar Egg's inhabitant rises to the fore of your awareness, a tremendous and passionate Blaze of Glory that simply doesn't stop even as its intensity becomes as painful as the equatorial sun. There's a fleeting sense of joy, pride, and maybe a little bit of confused curiosity before it's too much and you have to pull your hand away.
Touch 2: When you put your hand to the fiery shell again, the experience is no less intense. Blaze of Glory projects whirling fire – rarefied to plasma and to even more exotic states of matter – and it flows out from the egg's core, washing over you with no pause or space or even much intentionality. This is just how Blaze of Glory is. They seem apologetic: Blaze of Glory is curious about you, you who touched their shell twice, but they can tell they hurt to be around. Underneath the flow is a deep hunger, hunger and desire, thrown outward in an unparalleled beacon of joy.
Touch 3: Once again returning to the bonfire of the Primordial Roar Egg's shell, the presence within rumbles with pleasure at the familiar mind. The pure force of their titanic welcome thought is nearly enough to disconnect you from the shell, but you hold on; gone is Blaze of Glory's faint apologeticness. If you're here for a third time you must like it. Blaze of Glory roars ceaselessly, but now you can sense the riptide-like pull underneath their expression, the immense curiosity, charisma, and talent underneath the untempered paean. There is an entire galaxy trailing in Blaze of Glory's wake and they outshine every star within by a thousand times, a million times; if you were their partner, would you be strong enough to quench and temper them, to show the world what beauty their lighthouse call can shepherd?
The Restless Eye Cast Down from the Heavens Blue Lunastrith
Adult Length: 46ft
The length of this dragon is narrow and snake-like with a tall, elegant neck adorned with small head knobs. Her legs are long and delicate to match her slender build, allowing her to gracefully trot around despite her massive size. While beautiful on the ground, she is better suited to the air, where her incredible wing span spreads wide to reveal vibrant, eyelike patterns on the underside of her wing membranes. Her dark blue hide is almost black in the night, giving the impression of those vivid eyes staring down on you when she takes to the sky.
Physicality to be decided by adopter!
The Ceaseless Watcher
An endless field of tiny blue flowers contrasts a midnight sky. The flowers almost seem to glow under the light of the full moon that shines above you, the singular thing in the otherwise empty sky. The cold night air is crisp in your lungs. The darkness that once haunted the endless expanse has lost its purchase. The night is no longer lonely, now that the moon rests high.
Lunastrith is a dragon eager and ready to absorb everything that she can about the world. She loves learning new things and drinking in her environment, attentions darting around as she focuses rapidly between objects of interest. That being said, she would much rather travel herself than get lost in a book. The beauty found in nature and people, and the personal experiences she has with them are where her passions lay. This interest often manifests as an open, easily spoken curiosity and a friendly personality. Oftentimes, this behavior is harmless but she struggles to fully understand when a situation actually calls for questions. She can be intrusive, insensitive and judgemental based on her observations….and once she’s come to a personal understanding, it’s hard to change her opinion.
Hatchling template by hexwolf
Egg Template by Min/SkomorokhFossa
Egg written by AJ
Dragon written by AJ
Hatchling color by AJ
Egg Color by AJ
The name Lunastrith was inspired by the moon! Themes of being watched and loneliness were used.
The Hatch
At last, the eagerness that was once implied in the eggs appearance begins to shine true as A Glimpse into the Dark begins to twitch slightly.
The cracks already present in the eggs shell become something proper as A Glimpse into the Dark struggles inside of its casing, thin fragments splitting along its dark surface.
Finally, A Glimpse into the Dark shatters open, revealing the bright eyed stare of The Restless Eye Cast Down from the Heavens. It shivers the slimy remains of its shell away as they attempt to stick to its body.
Awareness comes quickly to the dragonet, who’s bright eyes immediately circle the room with a swivel of its head, drinking in the world that surrounds it. Awe shows clearly on its face as it searches the room, taking in the new stimulus with excitement that nearly makes it stumble as it attempts to find its footing on fresh legs. It takes a moment for those seeking eyes to find the candidates…! But once they do, The Restless Eye Cast Down from the Heavens Blue is almost scrambling over itself to get a better look, attention darting between each face as they drink them in.
The Restless Eye Cast Down from the Heavens Blue stops short of the first candidate that it sees, wide eyes gazing deep into the humans as it meets their gaze. It blinks, tilting its head this way and that before slowly beginning to march down the line to the next person. Each one is examined closely for a moment, before the next one catches its attention and it continues on. One after another, the humans are checked until The Restless Eye Cast Down from the Heavens Blue comes to a proper halt. The childlike wonder from before reaches a new peak now, high enough to make their heart soar as their wings spread wide, revealing the eyelike patterns beneath as it lets out a joyful cry.You make eye contact with those that adorn the underside of the dragonet’s wings and you find yourself pulled in deep, almost hypnotized as you are pulled deep into the confines of the dragonet’s mind. All around you, the world seems to stretch on forever in endless fields dusted with blue flowers. In the distance, you can see a shape darting towards you, petals kicked up by its elegant feet as its bounds into your space. Its small, delicate head presses itself against you as it nearly knocks you over entirely. <My friend! My friend! My dearest, truest--/newest/ friend! I am so very glad to see you!> The dragonet snuggles closer, peering up at you with loving eyes. <I believe ... .my name is Lunastrith! And I believe….> She pauses, thin tail whipping around. <I am hungry!>
A Glimpse into the Dark Egg
Description: The darkness that covers this egg's surface is shattered by glittering veins of opal that spider through it. Each of these marbled trenches sparkles with a pale, subtle rainbow that shines in sharp contrast to the void it runs through. It rests in the sands as a perfectly broken pearl, small in comparison to its siblings but distinct in its eagerness. From the moments of its laying, it shows a desire to hatch and present its contents to the light of the world. A longing that even the dark depths of its shell cannot hide.
Touch 1: The tips of your fingers have barely touched this egg’s surface before you slip into the cracks in its shell and are swallowed by its yawning expanse entirely. The endless darkness that greets you is so unlike the glimpses of splendor promised before, and it steals the breath from your lungs and presses down on you with a weight unlike anything that you’ve ever experienced before. Eternity becomes instant as you remain there, trapped with the sudden realization that it is The Ceaseless Watcher that is bearing down on you.
Touch 2: As darkness takes you again, questions linger in the back of your mind. Did you ever leave? Has there ever been anything other than this? Nerves prickle goosebumps across your skin, causing your hands to tremble and your heart to skip. The darkness is different now but The Ceaseless Watcher is still there, unblinking in its attention. You feel the ground beneath you shift with the realization that you are walking. It is a ceaseless march forward, each step taken with a growing sense of urgency until you are running. Someone is waiting for you. Someone important. With the encouragement of The Ceaseless Watcher’s gaze, you continue forward.
Touch 3: Something peaks through the darkness as the march continues, tiny at first but slowly growing brighter. Your heart stirs with emotion as an incredible eagerness takes you, mixing with the urgency in the pit of your chest as you sprint towards it. The Ceaseless Watcher spurs you on, the singular presence other than the light that waits in front of you. It’s growing closer now, almost as if it were trying to close the distance between you. A shape slowly begins to form. The shape of a person, brilliant enough to break the darkness that’s around you. With every movement you make, the mirror moves with you. Every step you have taken in this journey has led to you. You are the light that has waited in the darkness. You are the singular star in its sky, and The Ceaseless Watcher is so happy to see you.
Dove of War Orichalcum Duhalocth
Adult Length: 45’ 5”
“Though our feet might ache, the world's upon our shoulders
No way we goin' break, 'cause we are full of wonder”
– Wonder by Naughty Boy ft Emeli Sandé
Brilliant, verdant claws stand out against limbs dipped in aged bronze. The deep, metallic color races up each leg and crests over this dragon's snout before erupting into golden incandescence. Bursts of sunglow war with neon rust on the sweeping musculature of this dragon's body. The intense pigmentation dawns into the brilliance of midday across massive, iridescent wingsails. Interrupting the flawless smelt of gold and bronze are jagged flames. The luminous markings, each dipped in pastel shimmers, join curling whisps to create a multi-hued tapestry. Each whirling eye is framed in fire, calling attention to the cascade of emotions they experience. What color is this dragon? Their mouth, curved as if in a smile, provides no answer. Only amusement. Does it matter?
“But I'd rather be scared of something
I'd rather go all or nothing”
- Bungee Jumping by Naughty Boy ft Emeli Sandé, Rahat Fateh Ali Khan
As Duhalocth grows, sweeping stretches of muscle will fill out their frame. Their limbs are powerful, and they will find launching into the air a matter of simplicity. Stamina will be a strength, allowing them to fly both high and far. But with those remarkable abilities comes a blindness to fatigue. It won't be until Duhalocth is on the verge of complete exhaustion that their depleted energy levels register, putting them at greater risk for injury.
“Oh, you're the breath I need”
- Bungee Jumping
Unlike Duhalocth's telepathic speech, their physical vocalizations are lacking. While they are capable of making sound, it is exceedingly quiet and won't carry the same clarity as their clutchsibs' voices do. It may take time for anyone to realize there is an issue with Duhalocth's vocal chords given how well they communicate in other regards, but an eventual trip to the healers is in their future. Whether this will improve with therapy is something that Nova and Duhalocth will have to discover together.
Waves of Sound
“My empty halls to echo with grand self-mythology”
- King by Florence + The Machine
The lights go down over the crowd and the warm-up act shuffles offstage; there’s a general murmur among the people as things get situated. Expectation soars over the crowd, her feathered wings pressing a hush onto them as the gentle glow of dawnlike backlight shows them the silhouette of the artist they’re here to see. The moment strains. Fingers cradle the microphone, lips part right over its grate with the smallest sound –Ignition! Their full, rich contralto explodes to life and the stage lights sparkle into full day. Lasers spear through the thin fog over the venue, every color imaginable, bright and mesmerizing and revolutionary over the dark. That opening note hangs on forever, the crowd cheering and stomping, their voices similarly lifted up in song. The artist pauses, and the sheer volume of the wave of sound that rolls up to the stage pushes static through the speakers. The band knows their cue and picks up, and the show rolls on.Duhalocth is the raw power of concert, of a singer pouring out their heart directly to the hungry souls of thousands. The light that shines from them is spectacle, yes, but powerful enough to turn night to day.
“My bloody sword to swing”
- King
Duhalocth's mindvoice is a thing both brilliant and dangerous. Controlling the loud volume and wide reach of their mindspeech will prove nearly impossible at first. It will likely take Duhalocth longer to master the art of mindspeech finesse, but with practice, control isn't out of their reach. How many hours will Nova and Duhalocth pour into this? Will they hone this strange ability into a loudspeaker for peace? Or will the screech of their speakers herald war?When anger rolls through Duhalocth, the unfortunate recipient of their ire will be subjected to the wailing static and feedback of their speakers, a sound that echoes in their target's mind while eliciting a corresponding physical reaction. Other emotions aren't quite as harsh. A colorful light show speaks of excitement while the stage lights fade when Duhalocth indulges in a more serene moment. The entire stage system is theirs to play with, band, speakers, and lights. This is their mental playground, and play they will.
“Say my name
And every colour illuminates”
- Spectrum by Florence + The Machine
Duhalocth shattered far more than their shell the moment they hatched. Their existence demands the world reconsider the boxes it so frequently forces individuals into, and should it refuse? Duhalocth will make themself heard.
“We are shining
And we will never be afraid again”
- Spectrum
The reservations Nova has, Duhalocth takes and fractures. They will insist on flying close to the sun, because that is where they and Nova will shine brightest. They risk burning, but if they do, the world will watch as their explosion of color changes everything. Consequences may pile at their feet, but are nothing compared to the absolute wonder of living without chains.
“Your dazzling pain like diamond rings
You need to go to war to find material to sing”
- King
With the intensity of their ambition, the forceful nature of their relationship to the haters, comes drawbacks. Duhalocth may make enemies. They defy the winds, take up arms against the sea, eat the sun; but they can be burned by light, chilled by crashing waves, or wrenched by storm and squall.
“We argue in the kitchen about whether to have children
About the world ending and the scale of my ambition”
- King
Like the tinkerer giving wings to their child, Nova is Duhalocth’s animator, foothold, and touchstone. How will Nova continue in the shadow of the living starstuff that is Duhalocth?... how will Duhalocth learn that even they, even Nova has limits? Who warns who when both have flown too close to the scalding sun? Who pulls who from the chilly, wine-dark sea? As Duhalocth grows out of the needs of youth -- which they will do quickly -- who guides who?
“If your heart turns blue, I want you to remember
This song is for you, and you are full of wonder”
– Wonder
Much like Nova, Duhalocth's love for their friends runs bone-deep, once their talons find purchase in someone, they will not let go. Should those in their circle be threatened, and put in pain, those same claws will find another purpose.
“Just when you think you have it figured out
Something new begins to take”
“I am no mother, I am no bride, I am King”
- King
However Duhalocth is goofier and looser than Nova in some respects. For example, where Nova pulls a lot of fashion ideas and parts of themself from all parts of the femme/masc/other spectrum but is firmly nonbinary, Duhalocth embraces all genders and is comfortable, for example, being a he/him tough man bronze to one person or on one day, and on the next a they/them genderfuck ???color, and so on. Duhalocth likes to experiment and play, and part of that can be with people's feelings and ideas, saying yes, saying no, moving on, being stubborn, testing edges... which means they really aren't as good a leader as Nova is, at least not without some experience.
Hatchling template by hexwolf
Egg Template by Min/SkomorokhFossa
Egg written by Riyel
Dragon written by Collab between Riyel and Shipfish
Hatchling color by Riyel
Egg Color by Riyel
All inspiration images were found online and credit belongs to the original artist and photographer. We are not using these images as our own, but as tools to convey thematic concepts for the dragonets.
The Giant’s Aria Egg was based on the concept of Space Whales. In the ocean, a whale’s vocalizations can carry for thousands of miles. Taking that into the space brought to mind colors emerging from darkness!Duhalocth is a bronze, but with their ambiguous coloring we though it would be fun to use Orichalum - this is not a new color category, but just something we felt fit the theme. It is a mix of gold and bronze alloys!Duhalocth’s name is a loving combination of two things. It stems from the word duha, which is rainbow in Czech as well as the plant Dudleya lanceolata. We knew we wanted Duhalocth’s name to have something colorful or explosive in it so we looked at many translations for “rainbow” and “duha” stuck out to us. The specific plant was chosen for several reasons. The common name for this succulent family is the liveforever, which speaks to the legacy Duhalocth will leave the world, even when they are no longer part of it. It can grow and thrive in even the most difficult environments, much like Nova did at Ista, and is capable of producing brilliantly colored flowers. Dudleya are also able to hybridize with other succulents, and it can be difficult to tell them apart from other plants such as Echeveria without specific expertise, which also seemed to fit Duhalocth’s theme!
Duhalocth’s visual inspiration was pulled from several things including the above flower, fire opals, and pastels
Some other themes we pulled from include Icarus and Daedalus. Between Nova and Duhalocth, who will demand they climb higher and who will temper wild ambitions? We’ve left that question open-ended to be discovered as they grow together!
The Hatch
A slow thump begins to fill the air, faint but rhythmic. At first the origin is unclear, but as vibrations carry across the sands, the epicenter seems to be The Giant’s Aria Egg.
The beat picks up, and with each new thump, cracks form over the surface of The Giant’s Aria Egg. Pieces of shell fall to the ground, each edge dangerously sharp despite the pretty pastel coloring.
There is no escaping the wild tempo that echoes from The Giant’s Aria Egg, and that wicked crescendo that ends with a burst of limbs and wings. In the ruins of their confinement, The Dove of War Orichalcum stands triumphant. Their neck cranes up to sing their victory, but without physical vocalization. Instead, joy echoes over the crowd of humans and dragonkin, finding the ones in even the farthest recesses. Their joy.
The Dove of War Orichalcum casts their swirling gaze over the line of candidates before looking past them. Something catches their eye, or rather…someone. Sparks of red spring to life as they watch a woman, someone from Ista given the knot on her shoulder, lean over the gallery railing with a bored look in her eye. Her arm dangles loosely over the edge - loosely above the sands. Suddenly, the Orichalcum’s tail thumps - setting a rhythm. 1, 2…1, 2 ,3… < GO!> They lunge forward, tossing their body at the woman with their jaw open wide. A resounding clack fills the air, and the woman shrieks in panic while jerking back. Not a single drop of blood is found on the dragonet’s teeth, but that doesn’t stop the woman from screaming about being attacked. The Dove of War’s amusement rolls through the air before they turn away. Definitely not that one.
The Dove of War Orichalcum starts towards the candidates again, but they seem to be in no rush. They weave across the sands, ducking between eggs and siblings until one comments on their coat. Their gold coat? The Orichalcum’s eyes turn to The Seeker of Wonder’s pink and their maw opens to let out a nearly inaudible huff of bemusement. < You hatched two minutes ago. Do you even know what gold is?> Again, their voice echoes across the masses, reaching both near and far. Loud? Absolutely. Perhaps the crowd will have an answer. Already there are some whispers agreeing with the pink but others argue, claiming they can tell the Orichalcum is bronze given the build of their…muscles? That commentator earns a particularly baneful look from the dragonet.
The Dove of War Orichalcum's eyes swim with brilliant pops of pink and blue as they survey the crowd. So many have gathered, all of them of different sizes, shapes, and colors. Emotion sweeps through the dragonet and leaks outward, drowning the crowd in waves of wonder. A shock of curls in the galleries catches their attention, and the Orichalcum's wings flare. But no...that isn't the correct one. Theirs is on the sands, standing brilliant and resolute even with the blood strewn across the hatching grounds. With sure steps, the Orichalcum moves forward, stopping only when they are face to face with a human whose soul is as colorful as their own.< Nova. > The Orichalcum's speech is heard by all, but their mind is reserved only for their chosen. The darkness of an empty stage envelops Nova, drawing them away from the heat of the sands. < I've kept you waiting. > Words spoken without apology or shame. Lights flicker on, flooding their stage in a cascade of neon. < You can call me Duhalocth, and I...> The Dove of War trails off, breaking their gaze away from Nova's to look once more at a specific, curly-haired individual in the galleries. < Like red too. Should we eat?>
Giant's Aria Egg
Description: Nestled amongst the sands, this egg echoes its parents in size. Soft blues bathe the shell's expansive surface, shifting in tone as one takes in the ovoid from varied angles. Upon closer inspection, variety interrupts the multi-tonal surface. Colorful sparks of pink and purple bloom, nearly alive with motion. Woven amongst these are strands of green - tiny threads of life given shelter amidst a gentle blue landscape.
Touch 1: Waves of Sound calls out, a soft muffled strain that carries from the distance. There should be no noise in the black void that surrounds you, and yet song breaks through. They have waited for so long, and now a quiet request is made - for company and for knowledge. What exists in the world you call home? Surely there has to be more beyond this darkness. A blank slate stretches out before you, what will you fill it with?
Touch 2: Waves of Sound sings again, the sound clearer now - closer. A lilting vocalization brings further questions. Clicks and chirps of excitement pepper this new melody as it wraps around you, asking for further news, not of the world but of you. This egg does not demand, it requests. With a gentle hum it begs a glimpse into your memories, whichever you choose to share. They do not yet know what happiness is, nor sadness, perhaps you will be the one to show them both. Or to show them neither.
Touch 3: Waves of Sound erases the distance between you, arriving all at once with a trumpet of glory. The heat of the sands is tempered by a gentle chill that washes over your skin as you are buoyed up, away from the clawing darkness and into a world of color. Your world of color. What you have shown Them is now mirrored back to you, built up in a strange, new, imperfect fashion. Details have been blurred and colors bleed together, their shades a few degrees off. But how important is perfection? Won’t the world change if you were to face it together?
Strokes of Brilliance Brown Hatchling
Soft, tan tones cover the hide of this dragon, reminiscent of handmade paper. Deep brown strokes sprawl over the creature’s body, shifting and changing as it grows older. Areas of pigmentation loss can be found on this brown’s body, peppered over long headknobs and across wingsails. What art will emerge on this dragonet? How much of it will they create themselves?
Physicality to be decided by adopter!
Clouded Orbits
Mindscape to be decided by adopter!
Personality to be decided by adopter!
Hatchling template by hexwolf
Egg Template by Min/SkomorokhFossa
Egg written by Riyel
Dragon written by Riyel
Hatchling color by Riyel
Egg Color by Riyel
All inspiration images were found online and credit belongs to the original artist and photographer. We are not using these images as our own, but as tools to convey thematic concepts for the dragonets.
This dragon’s imagery was inspired by a handful of different things - primarily calligraphy brushes strokes and vitiligo. The egg was inspired by binary stars and the interplay between their gravitational fields.
The Hatch
The System of Two Egg gives a little shake and a little shimmy before toppling onto its lefts ide.
The System of Two Egg begins to roll, cracking and losing pieces of shell as it goes to reveal glimpse of…well, it’s still kind of difficult to tell.
The System of Two Egg disintegrates in a final jolt, leaving a large hatchling in its place. Strokes of Brilliance Brown Hatchling blinks before stretching leisurely and taking stock of the new world it has found itself in. Interesting.
Strokes of Brilliance Brown Hatchling picks up a scent both thick and metallic. Languid movements bring it to its feet and soon it begins to search for the source. Soon, its whirling gaze lands on one of the bleeding candidates and the sprays of red on their clothes. < You. > It stalks forward towards Virox, nudging them down onto the sands. A single large paw comes to rest on their chest and the Brown dips their head, dragging its maw through the blood seeping from Virox’s arm. With a sweep of their head, the hatchling paints the robe in red, spreading the mess of blood as if it were a watercolor blend. Finally, its jaw drags upwards and presses against Virox’s lips - leaving them tinged with red of their own making. Strokes of Brilliance Brown Hatchling lifts their head to admire the masterpiece it has created with brilliant blue eyes before finally pulling away.
Strokes of Brilliance Brown Hatchling begins to move again, their pace slow and luxurious as they circle the offered companions. They pass each of the remaining candidates three times before finally turning their head to one in particular.< Mine. > Their words swim over the candidate like a cool wave, painting them in colors of their own choosing. < You see the world differently, as do I > The dragonet presses its head into its lifemate’s stomach and exhales a soft, warmth breath. < But before we create art together, shall we get something to eat first? > A triumphant croon escapes the brown dragonet and soon both it and its chosen are headed off the sands.
A System of Two Egg
Description: Glimmering obsidian coats the surface of this egg, pitching the shell into darkness. Two bright orbs stand out against shadowy depths on opposite sides, one green and one white. Each sports an intense center, the first reminiscent of freshly fallen slow and the other of rain-wetted grass. The intensity of colors fade the farther from the center the eye travels, shifting into muted glows over a murky background.
Touch 1: Clouded Orbits pulls you from the heat of the sands, jerking you away into a land of humid greenery. A jungle springs up around you in a tangled web of mountainous leaves and trees. No sound penetrates the wild landscape, no sign of life other than your own breathing. And yet, the world around you grows. Within the silence, this world flourishes, vines and flowers twining together until the sky above is nearly blotted out. Still, light filters through that darkened canopy - one you may or may not choose to chase. From the ground, what reigns in the sky above is a mystery, but if you climb. If you make it past the dense greenery, a glowing orb shines in the sky. White.
Touch 2: Clouded Orbits steals you from the sands once more. The heat gives away to icy chill and you find this new landscape the opposite of what you were shown previously. There is no life here, only wide expanses of snow and ice. Bright blue shards jut up from frozen pools of water and flurries of snow build up into downy hills. Again, there is silence. A bright sky stretches out above you, and on that background sits another orb. Green.
Touch 3: Clouded Orbits must take you away once more, perhaps for the last time. The universe spills out before you, a storm of stars and planets that seems never-ending. And there you are, caught between two. To your right shines a world of ice and to your left a world of life. The planets circle each other, caught in a permanent dance without ever touching. Now, the decision lies in your hands. Will you be the one that breaks the forces that tie these two together, or will you be the one that marries them in permanence?
Howling Star Blue Siriuth
Adult Length: 42ft
Siriuth is a long and willowy creature, they are thicker around their chest and shoulders but otherwise they are built lean and rangy with a long, slender tail. Their head is narrow and tapered, widest at their jaw with a lengthy and slim snout. Their spines and claws are long and wicked, but just as narrow and streamlined as the rest of them. Their wings are likewise streamlined, long and pointed in their shape; they are designed to carry them at great speeds in intense bursts, to change direction quickly in the air, and to hover easily when aloft.Siriuth’s blue hide is a soft, lighter shade over most of their body, with a cape of darker blue over their back and wings. They sport some paler accents of blue on their feet, belly, and the tip of their tail, as well as a small white-blue daub beneath their eyes. Their spines and claws are likewise pale, almost white. When their wings are unfurled the relatively plain dark colouration along their back melts into cloudy patterns of blues, purples, and teals, with pale speckles like stardust streaking towards the edges of their wings, evoking a vision of a clear night sky.
Siriuth moves slowly and deliberately, they tend to lope when walking, their head held down and their eyes forward. There’s something predatory in their gait, casually stalking their way around even when relaxed. When aloft, Siriuth is swift as a lightning bolt and as agile as any bird of prey, and is capable of diving at incredible speeds. They are prone to sudden bursts of activity, but are rarely still, their tail almost always twitching if they’re unable to pace around.
The Lycanthrope
Siriuth’s mindscape is simple upon first impression, a dark and dreamy forest’s edge that flanks a broad expanse of untamed highlands. The star streaked sky above is forever turning and a chill wind is forever urging visitors to this space onwards. Once inside Siriuth’s hunting grounds the form you take reflects your sense of self, shifting with your mood and your perception of who you are in the given moment. You will never be constrained to your spoken form within Siriuth’s mind, and neither will they. Here they are a beast, moving between the trees on paws or cloven hooves, perhaps gliding from branch to branch on feathered wings. Their antlered head and lupine face are glimpsed between the foliage, peering out at you from around the trunks of impossibly dark evergreens. The creature you behold defies description, it rejects restraint in every conceivable way, ever shifting and ever changing.
Siriuth is a tenacious soul, once they have set their mind to something they will not rest until they’ve achieved their goal, whatever that may be. They are kind at heart, generous to the lonely or the outcast, and ferociously protective. They judge others not by their words but by their deeds, and can be harsh to individuals who cross the lines of their conscience. Siriuth can be intense, strongly opinionated, and single minded, but they usually mean well. They are slow to trust, but yearn for companionship, and so once their friendship is earned it is seldom lost.Whatever else Siriuth may be is for you to decide!
Hatchling template by hexwolf
Egg Template by Min/SkomorokhFossa
Egg written by hexwolf
Dragon written by hexwolf
Hatchling color by hexwolf
Egg Color by hexwolf
All inspiration images were found online and credit belongs to the original artist and photographer. We are not using these images as our own, but as tools to convey thematic concepts for the dragonets.
Themes: lycanthropy, full moons, transformation
Inspirations: werewolves, Bloodborne, shapeshifters, the transgender experience of becoming your authentic self
The Hatch
The Under A Hunter’s Moon Egg lies alarmingly still among its clutchmates long after the others have begun to wiggle and shake. It’s slow to start, but once the egg begins to wobble it does so violently, jerking and bouncing within its indent in the sands.
The Under A Hunter’s Moon Egg cracks loudly, a large fissure appearing across the main body of its shell. Another appears elsewhere, then another, as if the hatchling inside is bouncing wildly from one spot to another, seeking the perfect place to break free.
One of the cracked spots on the Under A Hunter’s Moon Egg suddenly bursts wide open, the head of a blue hatchling piercing through it like an arrow. The Under A Hunter’s Moon Egg splits along the crack from which the Howling Star Blue Hatchling is emerging, shattering outwards as the dragonet comes tearing out of their egg in a flurry of flapping wings, lashing claws, and a whipping tail.
Howling Star Blue Hatchling is a blur of motion across the sands, the instinct to run and to seek overwhelming them. In their frantic first moments they bound directly towards Seerama and make an attempt to swerve before colliding with him. Though they miss slamming bodily into him, they succeed only in their long lashing tail catching him across the legs and sending him careening off balance. Howling Star Blue Hatchling strikes out lightning quick to catch him as he falls, but their claws snag on his flesh, tearing open an array of bloody gashes across his body and limbs as the unmatched pair tumble over the sands in a tangle. They pause for only a moment to see that Seerama isn’t too terribly mauled, and is also not who their yearning heart is drawing them towards. He’s given an apologetic lick for his trouble, and then Howling Star Blue Hatchling is on the hunt again.They race over the sands with bloody claws, searching, seeking, pulled inexorably towards the other half of their whole…
Howling Star Blue Hatchling’s hunt brings them to you, they lock eyes with you from across the sands, frozen for a moment as their emotions slam into your own. Love, overwhelming, uninhibited love. Joy, blooming bright as the cresting dawn in your chest. They race towards you and when they finally reach you they bowl you over in their excitement. They yearn to be close to you, nuzzling you with their snout affectionately. Now that you’ve found each other Howling Star Blue Hatchling eagerly pulls you into their mindspace, the heat of the sands is abruptly swallowed up by the chill of a moonlit forest’s edge, the contrast as startling as being plunged into a mountain stream.You leave yourself behind as you stand here, bathed in moonlight and flanked by wild, windswept highlands. Whatever or whoever you could be is who you are in this space. Your form is what you choose, it is what you feel, as transient as the phases of the moon. From between the dark trees peers a strange and ever shifting beast that you only see in glimpses; an antlered head, a wolf’s maw, thick fur, bright eyes. It slinks through the trees, pacing as it observes you, shrouded in shadow.The mindvoice that greets you is a low growl that rumbles out from between the trees, as soft as a whisper and as gentle as an evening breeze. <<Finally, you are here to join me on my hunt. I am yours and you are mine. I am Siriuth. Never again will we be alone, my friend, together or apart we shall always have each other.>>
Under A Hunters’ Moon Egg
Description: The pale surface of this egg shimmers with adularescence in even the dimmest light, reflecting its surroundings and all who approach it across countless opalescent facets. It defies staticity even as it rests in perfect tranquillity among its siblings, ceaselessly refracting their reflections and your own into a thousand possibilities, each distorted impression beautiful in their strangeness.
Touch 1: You feel drawn to this egg even before your hand meets its surface, ushered on by a call that seems to come from within you, more ancient than the flesh you inhabit. It resonates with the creature within, still forming, changing, becoming. The egg before you no longer sits within humble sands and instead hangs before you in a dark and lonely sky, you feel cool winds upon your skin and the crisp scent of grass growing lush and untamed beneath your bare feet, still wet with evening dew. The night is endless, and the sweet keening of the Lycanthrope assures you that you, too, can be anything. What could you be together, it wonders?
Touch 2: This time you dart out of yourself, rushing eagerly into the untouched landscape bathed in beckoning moonlight. There is nothing you cannot be here, nothing to hold you back, the boundless freedom might be terrifying if not for the Lycanthrope’s song, harmonising with the drumming of your restless heart. It longs for you to chase it across the night and snatch it from the sky, unbind yourself from your inhibitions and free it from its solitude so that you might hunt together. Never one without the other.
Touch 3: The heartbeat of nature howls through you now, singing in your veins as you tear into the night. You do not hesitate anymore, running free and unburdened through the forests, the grasslands, over mountains and along the shore. There is nowhere you cannot go, nothing you cannot be, and the Lycanthrope wants nothing more than to join you on your endless hunt for experience. Together you could devour everything life has to offer you, shed whatever skin doesn’t become you and live as your uncompromised and authentic selves, whoever and whatever that may be. Two apart, a pack together.
Soaring Curiosity Black Yvaith
Adult Length: 30ft
Yvaith is predominantly pitch black, so dark in colouration as to seemingly absorb the light and colour from her surroundings even in the brightest of environments. The sleek black of her hide is broken by patterns of grey and white, mottling from her waist gradually until the paler colours encompass her entire hindquarters and tail. The spotted patterning along her latter half seem at a glance to be simple dots of colouration, but on closer examination reveal themselves to be countless ever staring eyespots. Her tail is long and whip-like, and banded with asymmetrical daubs of blacks, whites, and greys.Yvaith is a curious creature, seemingly built entirely for flight with her broad and powerful shoulders and deep, barrel chest that taper into a slender and aerodynamic hind end. Her wings are massive and upon hatching very ungainly with her size, being both broad and long, and dwarfing her body in size. Her spines are long and needle-like, and near flat when viewed head-on to better cut through the air, and her headknobs are a similarly long and thin affair.
In stark contrast to the chaos of her internal world, Yvaith is very deliberate in her mannerisms for the most part. She trends towards slow and considered gestures, and favours low and soft vocalisations. She’s a very calm and predominantly quiet presence to be around, until she isn’t. When Yvaith does decide to exert herself she does so with startling speed, particularly when flying. She’s peerless in the air for her caste, able to fly hard and fast for long stretches, and capable of incredible feats of aerial acrobatics.
Madman’s Insight
By its very nature the realm of Yvaith’s mind defies understanding in any conventional sense, forever shifting and changing. Entering into her mindscape is never a tentative thing, either you take the plunge into madness and untether yourself from the constraints of reality, or else you remain forever without, speaking to her in only the most mundane of terms.Should you choose to delve into this strange and uncanny space, you find yourself within a pool of black at the centre of a massive eye, within which stretches a vast, unbroken sky that rumbles with an endless meteor storm. There is no sense of where either begin or end, or whether you are without or within them. Each star twinkling in the expanse of churning and roiling cosmos, and each streaking meteor tumbling across the heavens winks and beholds you, each an eye unto itself, a ceaseless kaleidoscope of thought and possibility. You may be falling, you may be flying, the specifics matter little. The less you embrace your logical mind the easier you will find your footing in the liminal space of hers.Thoughts and feelings manifest viscerally in her mindspace, in colours and sounds and smells, in manifestations both metaphorical and literal. It can be beautiful, it can be terrifying, but it is always a reflection of truth in some way, whether or not that is obvious to you or her at the time.
Yvaith is a chaotic creature by nature, though her mannerisms are anything but. To the outside observer Yvaith is as languid as the debris drifting through the endless void of space; she speaks with a calm and soft mindvoice, and moves with the deliberate grace of a dancer. However, the cadence of her speech may be unhurried, but her thoughts race by a mile a minute, chasing new ideas with an insatiable voracity. Curiosity is as inherent to her as breathing, the pursuit of knowledge often more appealing to her than its acquisition. She can never truly know everything, and though to most this would be daunting the unachievable nature of it is exciting to her; she will never be left wanting, she will never be without purpose. Her goals and ambitions have no limit and so too is she limitless.Yvaith is a gentle soul with a kind and giving nature. She is a boundless font of ideas and an eager retainer of knowledge, and she loves to share this with anyone who will listen to her. Her passion for imparting her thoughts to others and her serene mindvoice make her an enjoyable person to listen to, though she may not always make sense to her audience. Yvaith’s curiosity too is a virtue for the people in her life, as she is just as interested to listen to them and absorb all the experience and information that they have to offer her. She’s as excellent a listener as she is a living podcast.Yvaith may not be to everyone’s taste, strange and often esoteric as she is, and so she cherishes the people who appreciate her fiercely. Knowledge and curiosity are a journey that she wants to take with you, and she feels it her responsibility to keep you safe along the way, while you explore with her or by yourself. The unknown can be scary, but she’ll be with you all the way.
Hatchling template by hexwolf
Egg Template by Min/SkomorokhFossa
Egg written by hexwolf
Dragon written by hexwolf
Hatchling color by hexwolf
Egg Color by hexwolf
All inspiration images were found online and credit belongs to the original artist and photographer. We are not using these images as our own, but as tools to convey thematic concepts for the dragonets.
Themes: cosmic horror, uninhibited curiosity, boundless possibility
Inspirations: The Pillars of Creation, Bloodborne (particularly the Choir), Lovecraftian imagery, the Curiosity Rover
The Hatch
The Limitless Deep Egg shakes once, then again, and then begins to jerk this way and that in the sands. The small indent where it has been resting barely contains its ceaseless and frantic wobbling.
The Limitless Deep Egg stills very suddenly, coming to a complete rest save for the slight wobble from the momentum of its vigorous shaking. Then a single crack appears near the tip of the egg. There is another tap and the crack splits wider, splintering out across the shell from its singular starting point.
The Limitless Deep Egg splits open from its initial crack, and Soaring Curiosity Black Hatchling pushes out from the shell head first. She splits open the dark, glossy confines off her egg and spills out onto the sands like ink across parchment.
Soaring Curiosity Black Hatchling is already moving, she doesn’t stop to take stock of this new world outside, she can do that on the move! Her head wheels around this way and that, taking everything in as she darts over the sands, bounding, jumping, and flaring her massive wings to test them already. Her wingspan is a thing to behold, but fresh as she is she’s a little ungainly, and glides herself into a heap more than once as she sniffs and stares and explores everything she sets her eyes on!
Soaring Curiosity Black Hatchling can’t get enough of this new exciting world, there’s just so much to see, so much she doesn’t know! The one thing that is certain to her, however, is the draw to another curious soul. What’s better than going on a journey of discovery? Well, taking someone along with you, of course. Soaring Curiosity Black Hatchling stops her chaotic bouncing around and turns, her head swinging to fix her eyes on her person, her partner, her charge, and then she bounds towards Merit instead. She takes a leap towards her, her wings fanning out to carry her further. She skids herself to a stop on the sands before she crashes right into Merit, but doesn’t pause at all. She circles her, humming in delight while she examines every inch of her chosen companion.Soaring Curiosity Black Hatchling tugs Merit’s consciousness into her own, a familiar void space that unfurls into a great, watching eye. Comets stream across a sky churning with stars, the warmth of the sands bleeds out into technicolour. It’s utter chaos, but in that tumultuous and overwhelming mental onslaught, a soft and melodic mindvoice weaves its way into Merit’s thoughts, steady as a heartbeat. The voice calms the roiling storm of thought and Merit is held safely in their shared mindspace. <<Hello there. I remember you. You were so curious about me, I liked that very much. There were others of course and I would love to get to know them too, but I think I’ll enjoy that so much more with you along for the ride. The start of our conversation was far too short for my liking, so let’s continue it shall we? I believe we weren’t properly introduced before; I’m Yvaith, your Yvaith, and you’re my Merit. My first and best achievement, I’m sure.>>
The Limitless Deep Egg
Description: The pitch black surface of this egg seems to absorb all light that falls upon it, so matte it appears to you little more than a yawning void where an egg should be. Just as it devours all light that attempts to penetrate it, so too does it threaten to swallow you whole. Shivers prickle up your spine as primal curiosity draws you towards it anyway.
Touch 1: You are alone in darkness. At some point you fell out of yourself and exist now apart and untethered. Colour and light are faint memories, but more vivid in your imagination than they ever were to your fallible mortal eyes. Having left behind all earthly concerns you are free to exist in the realm of metaphor and meaninglessness, beyond the limitations of sight and touch and sensations there is pure thought, there is the Madman’s Insight, awaiting your newly opened mind.
Touch 2: The fear of unbecoming no longer holds you back from unleashing your mind into the void. Losing yourself and gaining everything is becoming a comfort, and where once you feared your mind may break you know now that what is formless cannot be shattered, that which has no beginning can have no end. With its soundless voice and wordless dialogue, the Madman’s Insight offers you the sanctuary of meaninglessness, the uncompromised possibility of nothing, and potential as limitless as the empty infinity between the stars.
Touch 3: Once more you unshackle your mind from the complications of your flesh and spill out into an infinite void, unknowing and uncaring where it begins and you end. The Madman’s Insight is not a destination for you to reach, it is a conversation that you must invite in. Its revelations transcend language and fallible human thought, they are dreamlike and fleeting images unravelling out from your unshackled mind in a scintillating kaleidoscope of illogical patterns. It defies understanding and yet you feel that it understands you, for you are everything and nothing, you are one and you are neither and you are both.